When Do LSAT Scores Come Out & What to Expect When You’re Expecting Your LSAT Score to Be Released

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • When Do LSAT Scores Come Out?

    Based on all available information, the November 2018 LSAT scores will be released tomorrow, Saturday, 12/8! The LSAC has burned students before when LSAC gave a certain release date and then changed it, but it seems extremely likely for November LSAT takers that the icons on your account page of the LSAC site will change from green to grey around midnight tonight (depending on your time zone), followed by score releases beginning Saturday morning.

    Modify your weekend plans accordingly. November test takers won’t know the precise time tomorrow to expect their scores. Since the scores are released in waves (and which wave you’re score will be released in is entirely randomized) over the course of one day, there could be some waiting involved.

    How are LSAT Scores Released?

    If you’d like more exact detail on the way scores will be released, these are the details from my experience a couple years back: Unlike this November score release, LSAC’s score release date was back then more of a suggestion than a promise — LSAC would generally send scores out a few days or weeks before the promised release date. So I had the same experience of waiting, but without knowing how many days or weeks I would have to wait for my score (don’t you feel lucky now, November test takers, that your waiting is going to end tomorrow?).

    I was refreshing the LSAC website multiple times per day, waiting for my icons to go grey. I also checked Reddit and every other source I could find to see if other people were posting that the icons went grey, and that the score release was imminent. In the end, I didn’t find out about the score release in those ways. Presumably because I was in one of the first “waves” of students to receive their score on that particular date, and because I hadn’t checked the LSAC site for the gray icons in the last few hours, I learned of my score simply from checking my email.

    I got an email from a sender called “LSAC SCORE” (full email: LSACSCORE@lsac.com) with the subject line: “Your June 2017 LSAT Score.” The content of the email was extremely brief, but it did contain my actual score, along with a note that my “LSAT Score Report will be available under the LSAT tab in the LSAT Status section of your LSAC online account.” I did eventually go to the LSAC website to read the full score report, which includes your answer to each exam question, next to the correct answer. But for at least a few hours, knowing the score itself was enough information to absorb.

    What To Do While You’re Waiting For LSAT Scores to Be Released?

  • Enjoy your free time. You have made it this far and have completed the LSAT exam. While you wait until scores come back, you can take this time to rest or be proactive and start working on your law school applications. Take it day by day and do not rush this process.
  • Develop a Personal Statement. Get ahead of the game on your law school applications and start writing your personal statement for your dream law school’s admission office.
  • Ask for Recommendations. The law school application does require applicants to provide letters of recommendation. Be proactive and start reaching out to professors and advisors about it. They will need time to write these letters.
  • What To Do When You Look at Your LSAT Test Score?

    When you’re ready to take a look at your own score report, it can be a very helpful tool to help you improve (if you decide you’d better retake the LSAT). Since the November 2018 LSAT, like June 2017, is a disclosed exam, you’ll receive a score report on the LSAC site containing your answer choices and a copy of the exam. You won’t have access to anything like a scan of your exam booklet from the November test, but the score report and the copy of the test will give you a good picture of how you performed on the LSAT under truly real testing conditions. It’s a great idea to go over the different question types of the questions you answered incorrectly or skipped. The earlier you do this, the more likely you are to remember your reasoning from the exam itself, so you can identify what caused you to miss those LSAT exam questions.

    Going over your score report from the November test and comparing it to your practice exams can also help you to decide whether or not you want to retake the test. Perhaps there was a particular logic game on the November test which gave you trouble, when the games are normally your best section on the test. Maybe you read a question incorrectly, and you think it would be relatively easy to prevent the same problem again. Or maybe you mis-bubbled your answers, so the score isn’t truly reflective of your ability. On the other hand, if your score on the November exam is consistent with your LSAT practice exams you’ve taken, you probably already have an idea of the areas where you could improve on the LSAT, and it’s up to you to decide if you have the capacity to develop those skills for another test. If you are not satisfied with your LSAT score, remember that you are allowed to retake the LSAT exam. If you are planning on retaking the LSAT exam, we strongly recommend you analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Blueprint Prep offers LSAT Prep Courses, LSAT Prep Online, and one-on-one LSAT Tutors. Learn more about our offerings and LSAT prep today.

    Good luck to everyone about to receive an LSAT score! No matter what happens, your wait is almost over.

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