What to Do the Day Before the LSAT

Find out what to do the day before the LSAT and what you absolutely should not do the day before the LSAT. (Hint: Don't start that practice test.)
  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Congrats! If you’re reading this, you’ve made it to the finish line of your LSAT prep. You registered for the exam, you made your way through those practice tests, and you’ll never look at “if…then” statements the same way again. Now you’re probably wondering, what should I do in these final 24 hours before my exam? Here are some tips for what to do, and what not to do, on your last day before the LSAT.

    What To Do the Day Before the LSAT

    Do prepare everything you need for test day. If you haven’t done so already, you absolutely want to use today to put together everything you’ll need for LSAT test day and any other element that has the potential to cause you a bit of stress tomorrow.

    Make sure you know what is and is not allowed on your desk during the LSAT. Create a motivating and calming testing environment. Tell your roommates and family your LSAT test time so they know not to bother you. Basically, you want to take care of everything now, so there’s nothing extra to concern you on the morning of the exam.

    If you’re taking the LSAT in-person, make sure you know where the test center is and how long it will take you to get there. Pack your test day bag and don’t forget your ID!

    Do keep your mind occupied. The day before the exam should be as low-stress as possible. Watch your favorite movie or TV series for the 15th time—or better yet, get a motivational boost by watching “Legally Blonde“. Catch up with some friends you’ve been neglecting while you’ve prepped for the LSAT who you know will boost your confidence and provide a little extra support today.

    Or you can work on a low-key activity that you already excel at, whether it be cooking, playing an instrument, or underwater basket weaving. Find something else to focus on that you know will make you feel great.

    Do get to sleep at a reasonable time, eat well, and stay hydrated. We know this probably isn’t going to be the most restful night you’ve had, but you will feel much better on test day if you can get some rest the night before. Meditate or go through a light workout to calm any anxiety. Try to eat a balanced diet so you won’t feel sluggish or sick tomorrow. And of course, drink water because hydration is important!

    What Not To Do the Day Before the LSAT

    Do NOT study. I mean it! If you were running a marathon tomorrow, would you be using the night before to push your muscles to the limit on a nice long “practice” run? Of course not. Just like a marathon, your practice is behind you now, and your brain needs today to rest and prepare.

    Do NOT pick up a totally new routine for the day before the test. That means you should NOT try to go to sleep at 6 p.m. and lie awake for 8 miserable hours. You should NOT try that new raw vegan diet that you heard was great for test performance. And you should NOT go for the unidentified green juice your friend swears by when you’ve been surviving on Diet Coke your entire life.

    Now isn’t the time for trying anything new that your body isn’t used to, because you don’t want it to translate to an upset stomach halfway into your exam. Stick with the best version of your own routine, and strive to make yourself into a fitness guru starting on Sunday if you’re so inclined.

    The bottom line for the day before the LSAT is to take care of yourself, but to make sure that you’re doing it in that way that makes sense for you. And remember, do not study for the LSAT the day before your test. After all, you committed to your law school goals, you put in the time and effort to study for this test, and on test day tomorrow, you’ll be ready to demonstrate all of your new skills on the LSAT.

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