This Week Only: 20% Off Tutoring

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPbranden-lsat-blog-april-2016-tutoring-sale-2

    The February 2017 LSAT is one month from tomorrow. That’s a teensy-weensy, fly-by-in-a-flash 32 days before the time comes for you to leave it all on the field, to use a popular sports metaphor. (The exam is the day before Super Bowl LI, after all.)

    But how much do you have to leave on the field at this point? Are you within five points of your dream score? Ten? Fifteen? Maybe you’ve felt rushed, and haven’t kept up with your homework. Maybe you didn’t study over the holidays even though we specifically told you to study over the holidays. Maybe you’ve reached a plateau that you just can’t push past.

    If you’re stuck, it might just be the case that you need some one-on-one time with an LSAT professional to, y’know, unstick you. Blueprint LSAT preparation is the best in the business, and so are our tutors. Let’s just take a gander at who Blueprint tutors are. Each and every Blueprint tutor:

  • Scored 170 or better on an actual LSAT;
  • Has received 70 hours of in-person training, by our founders, before being hired.
  • Is versed front-to-back in the Blueprint method;
  • Is available live or via Skype chat.
  • In addition, most Blueprint tutors are also classroom instructors, meaning that they’ve completed a total of 188 hours of training, including in-class evaluations. Ninjas, one and all. Now that you know who they are, let’s take a look at what they’ll help you do. You can use your tutor (go ahead, use ’em!) to help you:

  • Identify weaknesses and develop a plan to attack them;
  • Bring up your speed with crack tips on all three section types;
  • Craft a study plan to keep you on track through test day;
  • Review practice exams to see where things went right and where they went wrong;
  • Provide emotional support (no, really!);
  • Give you admissions advice.
  • Yep, this would all be well worth the full tutoring price, but this week only, tutoring packages are 20% off.* Take a moment to think about the full value of what you’re getting. LSAC has done studies showing that LSAT score correlates positively with performance in law school: the better you do on the LSAT, the better your grades.

    For that very same reason, along with the fact that it gets you into a better law school, LSAT score also correlates positively with your salary when you get out. Without going into detail, a few points will pay for this tutoring in the long run, probably several times over.To wit, the starting salary at big law firms is $180,000. There are no low LSAT scores among their ranks, believe me.

    If you want to take advantage of this limited-time offer (and you do want to take advantage of it), simply take a gander at our tutoring packages and use promo code TUTORING20 at checkout. Easy as pie. Get crackin’!

    *Does not include Best Value Package. Offer ends Sunday, January 8 at 3 pm Pacific time.

    P.S. Not to push you over the edge here, but you are aware, are you not, that the February exam is the last exam most schools will consider for admission in 2017. Don’t wait a whole extra year to get your law school on and to get your fat lawyer paycheck on.

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