This Week Only: 20% Off All Blueprint Tutoring Purchases!

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPbranden-lsat-blog-april-2016-tutoring-sale-2

    Ahh, the signposts of spring are among us. Winter is washing away with the balmy breezes of mid-April. Delphiniums and peonies are blooming. Antihistamine sales are booming. Your Instagram feed is full of your friends doing fun stuff, whether it’s hiking, enjoying a cool rosé outside, or partying at a $700 million dollar music festival.

    And here you are, studying rigorously for the LSAT. You’re indoors, trying to make sense out of logic games and reading comprehension. And that’s great! You have a goal, and you are resolute in achieving that goal. But maybe you’re feeling a little stuck. Maybe you feel like you need to get a study plan in order for the exam. Or maybe you’re a little intimidated by the sheer amount of things to do in the 55 days before the exam (Oh yeah, the test is less than two months away. Try to breathe.).

    If you’re feeling this June LSAT gloom, maybe one-on-one time with an experienced LSAT professional is in order. One who can help you master the LSAT strategies, develop a study plan for the two-month push before the exam, and make this test just a little less scary. And, wouldn’t you know, Blueprint LSAT as a stable full of these LSAT masters who are just so eager to help you out.

    And, for this week only, you can have them (or rather, purchase hours to study for the LSAT with them) at a discount. From today through Friday, April 21 at 6:30 pm PST, we’re offering a 20% discount on all Blueprint tutoring purchases. Yep, all of them. From a two-hour a la carte purchase to our premier packages, you’ll get 20% off. Just enter SPRING20 at checkout and make vanquishing the LSAT that much easier.

    And our tutors are amazing people. Each and every Blueprint tutor:

    • Scored 170 or better on an actual LSAT;
    • Received 70 hours of in-person training, by Blueprint’s founders, before being hired.
    • Knows the Blueprint method front-to-back;
    • Is available live or via Skype chat.

    They’re lovable nerds who know way too much about this LSAT and can’t wait to use that knowledge to help you. And how can they help you? They can:

    • Identify your LSAT weaknesses and develop a plan to attack them;
    • Supply tips to bring up your speed on all three LSAT sections;
    • Craft a study plan to keep you on track through test day;
    • Review practice exams to help you do better on the next one;
    • Provide emotional support (yes, really!);
    • Give you law school admissions advice.

    And, to take a broad view of the value you can get with tutoring, an increased LSAT score obviously means an increased chance of attending your dream school. But it also means increasing your chances of being awarded a scholarship or grant, which can save you thousands in student loans. LSAT scores are also correlated with good academic performance in law school, which can only increase your chances of landing that dream job. And with first-year associate pay reaching $180,000 at many big law firms, we’re talking a lot of value.

    So, to take advantage of this limited-time discount, and all that comes with it, take a look at our tutoring packages, and enter promo code SPRING20 at checkout. Again, the offer ends this Friday at 6 pm, so don’t wait!

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