These Spooky Logic Games Are More Trick than Treat

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPlaura-lsat-blog-spooky-logic-games-1

    Note: As of August 2024, the LSAT will no longer have a Logic Games Section. The June 2024 exam will be the final LSAT with Logic Games. Learn more about the change here.

    Welcome, everyone pursuing a leghoul career, to Halloween Week. For the next week, we’ll be transforming, like Michael Jackson into Werewolf Michael Jackson, into Ghost Strongly Supported and Booprint LSAT as we celebrate the spookiest aspects of the LSAT, law school (… we mean law ghoul), and the legal field. Today, we’re giving you some spooky logic games.

    Halloween Week continues here at Ghost Strongly Supported (speaking of which, have you entered our costume/pumpkin-carving contest yet??) with something truly spooky — we’ve got a super special set of Logic Games for you, hot and fresh out the proverbial kitchen.

    We cooked up these games ourselves at Blueprint, using real LSAT logic games as an inspiration. If you’re truly stumped, we’ve provided some quick tips below to help you find deductions, but you should attempt the games on your own before checking out those hints.

    Halloween Party

    When a dead man throws a soiree, who’s the life of the party? You’ll find out in this one-to-one ordering game.

    Six guests have been invited to a dead man’s Halloween party. The guests- a zombie, a vampire, a werewolf, a ghost, a mummy and a succubus- will arrive, one at a time over the next hour in ten minute increments. The order in which they will arrive is subject to the following conditions:
    The succubus will arrive before both the ghost and the mummy.
    The werewolf will arrive before the zombie.
    The guests who arrive either second or third cannot be the ghost, the mummy, or the vampire.
    The vampire will not be the last to arrive to the party

    1. Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule of guest arrivals, listed in order from earliest to latest?
    a. succubus, werewolf, zombie, ghost, mummy, vampire
    b. ghost, werewolf, succubus, vampire, zombie, mummy
    c. werewolf, vampire, succubus, ghost, mummy, zombie
    d. vampire, werewolf, succubus, zombie, ghost, mummy
    e. vampire, succubus, zombie, ghost, werewolf, mummy

    2. If neither the ghost nor the mummy nor the vampire will arrive fourth to the party, which one of the following must be true?
    a. The mummy will arrive sixth.
    b. The ghost will arrive fifth.
    c. The succubus will arrive third.
    d. The werewolf will arrive second.
    e. The vampire will arrive first.

    3. Which one of the following must be true?
    a. The vampire will arrive earlier than the ghost.
    b. The vampire will arrive earlier than the succubus.
    c. The zombie will arrive earlier than the vampire.
    d. The succubus will arrive earlier than the zombie.
    e. The werewolf will arrive earlier than the ghost.

    4. Which one of the following CANNOT be guests to arrive fourth, fifth, and sixth, listed in that order?
    a. werewolf, ghost, zombie
    b. ghost, mummy, zombie
    c. succubus, mummy, ghost
    d. zombie, mummy, ghost
    e. vampire, mummy, ghost

    5. If neither the ghost nor the mummy will arrive last, which one of the following must be true?
    a. The ghost will arrive fifth.
    b. The werewolf will arrive second.
    c. The zombie will arrive sixth.
    d. The vampire will arrive fourth.
    e. The succubus will arrive third.

    6. Which one of the following if substituted for the condition that the vampire will not be the last to arrive at the party, would have the same effect in determining the order of arrival?
    a. The vampire must arrive earlier than the ghost or the mummy, or both.
    b. If the vampire is not the first at the party, then she must arrive immediately before the ghost.
    c. The vampire must arrive earlier than the zombie.
    d. The vampire must arrive immediately before either the ghost or the mummy.
    e. Either the ghost or the mummy must arrive last to the party.

    Tips: As in all ordering games, you should be on the lookout for any big blocks or players who are super-restricted. There are multiple ways to skin this particular cat: You can make scenarios based on the positions in which the vampire can go (first, fourth, or fifth), or based on the pairs that can be in spots two and three (the werewolf and succubus, the succubus and zombie, or the zombie and werewolf). The big deduction is that the ghost and mummy cannot be in spots one through three.


    Ah, youth. Not content with watching reruns of Family Guy in Drew’s basement for the millionth night, this group has decided to camp out overnight in a haunted cemetery – a decision that will cost four of them their lives. Dun dun dun!

    A group of nine stupid teenagers decide to sleep in a known-to-be-haunted cemetery on Halloween night. Only five of them will make it through the night alive, three of the girls and two of the guys. The stupid guys are Tyler, Nate, Kevin, and Drew. The stupid girls are Gina, Megan, Stacy, Ashley, and Brianna. Which of the stupid teenagers will survive is subject to the following conditions:
    If Megan lives, then neither Tyler nor Ashley survive since Megan stills hate them for when Tyler cheated on her with Ashley and will use them as human shields.
    Gina will not live unless Drew survives, since she has always been in love with him and will protect him.
    Ashley will not live unless Brianna lives, because what’s the point of living if your bestie is gone.
    If Brianna lives then Nate will live, because Brianna likes to do everything as a couple.

    1. Which one of the following is an acceptable selection of girls and guys to live through the night?
    a. Girls: Megan, Ashley, Brianna
    Guys: Drew, Tyler
    b. Girls: Megan, Gina, Brianna
    Guys: Drew, Nate
    c. Girls: Ashley, Gina, Stacy
    Guys: Drew, Kevin
    d. Girls: Ashley, Brianna, Stacy
    Guys: Tyler, Kevin
    e. Girls: Megan, Gina, Stacy
    Guys: Nate, Kevin

    2. If Ashley lives, which one of the following must also be true?
    a. Drew will live.
    b. Nate will live.
    c. Brianna will live, but Nate will die.
    d. Gina will live, but Tyler will die.
    e. Nate will live, but Tyler will die.

    3. If both Nate and Kevin live, which one of the following could be the girls that live?
    a. Megan, Ashley, Brianna
    b. Megan, Gina, Brianna
    c. Megan, Brianna, Stacy
    d. Ashley, Gina, Stacy
    e. Gina, Brianna, Stacy

    4. Any of the following could be a partial list of survivors EXCEPT:
    a. Megan, Brianna, Stacy
    b. Ashley, Gina, Brianna
    c. Ashley, Brianna, Stacy
    d. Ashley, Gina, Stacy
    e. Gina, Brianna, Stacy

    5. If Tyler lives, which one of the following is the group of girls that will live?
    a. Megan, Ashley, Brianna
    b. Ashley, Brianna, Stacy
    c. Ashley, Gina, Stacy
    d. Ashley, Gina, Brianna
    e. Gina, Brianna, Stacy

    6. Any of the following pairs of guys could live EXCEPT
    a. Nate and Tyler
    b. Nate and Kevin
    c. Drew and Nate
    d. Drew and Tyler
    e. Drew and Kevin

    Tips: This is an in-and-out grouping game, with the “in” group – of course – being the stupid teens who are lucky enough to escape with their lives. Make sure to diagram the rules correctly and write down the contrapositives for each. The big deduction here is that at least one of Kevin or Nate must live, which comes from combining rules three and four. If they both died, then Ashley and Brianna would also die, which would force both Megan and Tyler to live – but we know that one of them must perish.


    Here’s a fun question to ask your friends: How old were you when you stopped trick-or-treating? Your answer will soon be your current age, because we’re about to get some treats up in here. You’ll notice that none of the houses are giving out apples or toothbrushes — we at Blueprint are devious, but not THAT devious.

    There are exactly ten houses on and no other buildings on Elm Street. On the north side of the street, from west to east, are houses 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9; on the south side of the street, also from west to east, are stores 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The store on the north side are located directly across the street from those on the south side, facing each other in pairs, as follows: 1 and 2; 3 and 4, 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10. Each house will be giving out candy on Halloween of exactly one of the following varieties: Snickers, Nerds, and Candy Corn. The candy given out at each house is determined according to the following conditions:
    No house is giving out candy of the same variety as house adjacent to it.
    No house is giving out candy of the same variety as the house directly across from it.
    Nerds are given out at exactly one house on each side of the street.
    Nerds are given out at house 5.
    Candy Corn is given out at house 4.

    1. Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the varieties of candy that the houses on the south side of the street could be giving out?
    a. Nerds, Snickers, Candy Corn, Snickers, Candy Corn
    b. Snickers, Candy Corn, Snickers, Candy Corn, Snickers
    c. Nerds, Candy Corn, Snickers, Candy Corn, Nerds
    d. Snickers, Candy Corn, Nerds, Candy Corn, Snickers
    e. Snickers, Candy Corn, Snickers, Nerds, Candy Corn

    2. If Snickers are given out at house 7, then each of the following statements could be false EXCEPT:
    a. Candy Corn is given out at house 9.
    b. Snickers are given out at house 2.
    c. Nerds are given out at house 2.
    d. Snickers are given out at house 10.
    e. Candy Corn is given out at house 8.

    3. Which one of the statements must be true?
    a. Nerds are given out at house 8.
    b. Nerds are given out at house 10.
    c. Snickers are given out at house 10.
    d. Candy Corn is given out at house 1.
    e. Snickers are given out at house 10.

    4. If Snickers are given out at five houses on the street, then which one of the following statements must be true?
    a. Snickers are given out at house 9.
    b. Candy Corn is given out at house 2.
    c. Nerds are given out at house 8.
    d. Candy Corn is given out at house 7.
    e. Candy Corn is given out at house 10.

    5. Suppose that Nerds are given out at exactly two houses, not just one, on the south side of the street and given out at exactly one on the north side of the street. If all the other conditions remain the same, then which one of the following statements must be true?
    a. Nerds are given out at house 2.
    b. Nerds are given out at house 8.
    c. Candy Corn is given out at house 7.
    d. Candy Corn is given out at house 10.
    e. Snickers are given out at house 1.

    Tips: This is a rare “Neither” game, specifically a characteristic grid game (meaning that you’re assigning characteristics to a designated set-up). Deductions reign king for this type of game, so think carefully about restrictions. You can deduce that Candy Corn is given out at house 1 and Snickers are given out at houses 3 and 6.


    Scary movies are an essential cornerstone of the Halloween experience, and Becca, Kris, and Claire are going to live it up at the Horrorplex this weekend (though I can’t help but notice that they are missing out on the best horror movie of all time, The Shining).

    Becca, Kris, and Claire will each see at least one movie at the Horrorplex this Halloween which will be showing Psycho, It, The Craft, and Hocus Pocus. They make their selections in accordance with the following rules:
    None of the three of will see any of the movies more than once.
    At least one of the three will see It, and at least one of the three will see The Craft.
    If any of the three of them sees It, that person will not see Hocus Pocus.
    Claire will see Hocus Pocus.
    Kris will see Psycho.
    Claire does not see any of the movies Kris sees.
    Neither Kris nor Becca will see The Craft.

    1. Which one of the following statements must be true?
    a. Becca sees Hocus Pocus.
    b. Becca sees It.
    c. Claire sees The Craft.
    d. Claire sees It.
    e. Kris sees It.

    2. If the Horrorplex charges $5 for each movie, what is the minimum amount the three people could spend?
    a. $15
    b. $20
    c. $25
    d. $30
    e. $35

    3. What is the maximum number of movies the three of them could see?
    a. 5
    b. 6
    c. 7
    d. 8
    e. 9

    4. If Becca and Claire see exactly two movies, which one of the following statements must be true?
    a. Becca sees It.
    b. Becca sees Psycho.
    c. Claire sees Psycho.
    d. There is exactly one movie that both Becca and Kris see.
    e. There is exactly one movie that both Becca and Claire see.

    5. If Becca sees Hocus Pocus, which one of the following statements must be true?
    a. Becca sees Psycho.
    b. Claire sees Psycho.
    c. Kris sees It.
    d. Kris sees only one movie.
    e. Exactly one person sees Psycho.

    6. Assume that the condition is removed that prevents a customer who sees It from seeing Hocus Pocus but all other conditions remain the same. What is the maximum number of movies the three of them could see?
    a. 5
    b. 6
    c. 7
    d. 8
    e. 9

    Tips: In this Profiling game, step one is to figure out what to use as your base. In this case, it works best to use the movies as your base, rather than setting it up based on the moviegoers; since Claire and Kris don’t see any of the same movies, you know that a maximum number of two people could see each movie. You can further deduce that Claire must see The Craft alone, Claire won’t see Psycho or It, and Kris won’t see Hocus Pocus.

    Preschool Activities

    Everyone knows that if you want your kid to have a head start in the afterlife, your little genius simply must attend the Preschool of the Damned, or Junior will never get into an elite college — you know, like BooPenn or Wail or Deathmouth. And the schedule at those schools is jam-packed with activities; in this case, the little tykes have a full week ahead of them.

    The three days before Halloween weekend — Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday– the students at the Pre-School of the Damned will do six Halloween themed activities — three crafts: pumpkin carving, spider ring making, and candy corn art; and three contests: scariest costumes, race through a corn maze, spookiest story. Each day, exactly two activities are done: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Activities must occur according to the following conditions.
    Crafts are not done on Friday.
    If the story contest is done in the morning, candy corn art is also done in the morning.
    Pumpkin carving is done some time before spider ring making.
    Pumpkin carving is not done on the same day as the costume contest.

    1. Which of the following could be the order in which the activities are done, listed in order from Wednesday morning through Friday afternoon?
    a. candy corn art, spider ring making, pumpkin carving, corn maze race, spookiest story contest, costume contest
    b. candy corn art, costume contest, pumpkin carving, spider ring making, spookiest story contest, corn maze race
    c. pumpkin carving, costume contest, spider ring making, candy corn art, corn maze race, spookiest story contest
    d. pumpkin carving, corn maze race, spookiest story contest, spider ring making, candy corn art, costume contest
    e. spookiest story contest, pumpkin carving, spider ring making, candy corn art, costume contest, corn maze race

    2. Which one of the following could be the activities done in the mornings, listed in order from Wednesday through Friday?
    a. pumpkin carving, spider ring making, spookiest story contest
    b. costume contest, spider ring making, corn maze race
    c. spider ring making, corn maze race, costume contest
    d. costume contest, candy corn art, spookiest story contest
    e. candy corn art, spider ring making, corn maze race

    3. Which one of the following is a pair of activities that, if done on the same day as each other, must be done on Wednesday?
    a. spider ring making and candy corn art
    b. pumpkin carving and spider ring making
    c. pumpkin carving and corn maze race
    d. candy corn art and corn maze race
    e. candy corn art and costume contest

    4. If pumpkin carving is done on Thursday, which one of the following could be the activities done in the afternoons, listed in order from Wednesday through Friday?
    a. costume contest, pumpkin carving, corn maze race
    b. costume contest, spider ring making, candy corn art
    c. candy corn art, spider ring making, spookiest story contest
    d. candy corn art, spider ring making, corn maze race
    e. candy corn art, corn maze race, spookiest story contest

    5. If costume contest is done on Wednesday morning, which one of the following must be true?
    a. The corn maze race is done on Friday morning.
    b. The spookiest story contest is done on Friday morning.
    c. Candy corn art is done on Thursday morning.
    d. Pumpkin carving is done on Thursday afternoon.
    e. Spider ring making is done on Wednesday afternoon.

    6. If pumpkin carving is done on Wednesday morning and the spookiest story contest is done on Friday morning, which one of the following must be true?
    a. Spider ring making is done before candy corn art is done.
    b. Spider ring making is done after candy corn art is done.
    c. Spider ring making is done after the costume contest.
    d. Candy corn art is done before the costume contest.
    e. Candy corn art is done before the corn maze race.

    Tips: There are a whole lot of restrictions on pumpkin carving, which means that’s a good place to start when looking for deductions. It can only go on Wednesday morning or afternoon (which would force the costume contest to another day), or on Thursday morning (which would force the spider-ring-making to Thursday afternoon). Also, remember when writing the contrapositive of the second rule that if something isn’t in the morning, then it’s in the afternoon, so it’s easiest and simplest to write your contrapositive that way (e.g. if candy corn art is in the afternoon, then the story contest is in the afternoon).

    Dinner Party

    Dinner parties are a great and frugal way to get your friends together for an evening, and in the case of this particular party, guests will be having the time of their lives. Naturally, it’s rude to show up to such an event empty-handed, so the guests have brought along some essential accessories as well.

    At a dinner party, four guest will attend and each will be served a different meal. The meals will brought out and served one at a time. Each guest will come equipped with a different weapon. The meals to be served are: brain burgers, spicy spider stew, spaghetti and eyeballs, and ladyfinger sandwiches. The weapons that were brought to the party are: an axe, a chainsaw, a machete, and a revolver. The assignment of the meals will be in accordance with the following:
    The first meal served will not be given to the person
    with the axe.
    If spicy spider stew is served to the person with the revolver, then brain burgers are served to the person with the axe.
    If the ladyfinger sandwiches are served to the person with the revolver, then spaghetti and eyeballs will be served to the person with the machete.
    The person with the revolver is served immediately before the person served brain burgers and immediately after the person served spaghetti and eyeballs.

    1. Which one of the following could be an accurate matching of the meals to be served to the weapons being carried listed in order from first served to last served?
    a. Ladyfinger sandwiches and machete; spaghetti and eyeballs and chainsaw; spicy spider stew and axe; brain burgers and revolver
    b. Spaghetti and eyeballs and axe; spicy spider stew and revolver; brain burgers and machete; ladyfinger sandwiches and chainsaw
    c. Brain burgers and chainsaw; spicy spider stew and revolver; ladyfinger sandwiches and chainsaw; spaghetti and eyeballs and axe
    d. Spicy spider stew and chainsaw; spaghetti and eyeballs and machete; ladyfinger sandwiches and revolver; brain burgers and axe
    e. Ladyfinger sandwiches and machete; brain burgers and chainsaw; spicy spider stew and revolver, spaghetti and eyeballs and axe

    2. Which of the following could be true?
    a. Ladyfinger sandwiches is served immediately before the person with the chainsaw is served.
    b. Brain burgers is served immediately before the person with the revolver is served.
    c. Spaghetti and eyeballs is served immediately before the person with the machete is served.
    d. Spicy spider stew is served immediately before the person with the revolver is served.
    e. Spicy spider stew is served immediately before the person with the chainsaw is served.

    3. Which one of the following CANNOT be true of the guest who has the axe?
    a. He is served immediately before the person having spicy spider stew.
    b. He is served immediately after the person having spicy spider stew.
    c. He is served immediately before the person having spaghetti and eyeballs.
    d. He is served immediately after the person having brain burgers.
    e. He is served immediately after the person having ladyfinger sandwiches.

    4. If spaghetti and eyeballs is the second dish to be served at the dinner party, then which one of the following could be true?
    a. The first dish to be served will be served to the guest with the revolver.
    b. The third dish served will be served to the guest with the chainsaw.
    c. The third dish to be served will be served to the guest with the axe
    d. Spaghetti and eyeballs will be served to the guest with the chainsaw.
    e. Brain burgers will be served to the guest with the chainsaw.

    5. If spicy spider stew is the third dish served at the dinner party, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:
    a. Spicy spider stew is served to the guest with the revolver.
    b. Spicy spider stew is served to the guest with the chainsaw.
    c. Spaghetti and eyeballs is served to the guest with the chainsaw.
    d. Ladyfinger sandwiches is served to the guest with the machete.
    e. Ladyfinger sandwiches is served to the guest with the chainsaw.

    Tips: We can once again cook up some scenarios here. First, you make two scenarios based on two positions in which the spaghetti and eyeballs-revolver-brain burgers can go. Then you break each of those scenarios into two more scenarios, based on whether the revolver is paired with the ladyfinger sandwiches or the spicy spider stew. Rules 2 and 3 make it evident that you should break each scenario down into two sub-scenarios.

    Answer Key

    Halloween Party
    1. d
    2. e
    3. e
    4. a
    5. c
    6. a

    1. b
    2. b
    3. c
    4. d
    5. b
    6. d

    1. e
    2. a
    3. d
    4. c
    5. a

    1. c
    2. b
    3. b
    4. b
    5. c
    6. c

    Preschool Activities
    1. b
    2. e
    3. c
    4. c
    5. a
    6. d

    Dinner Party
    1. d
    2. a
    3. c
    4. d
    5. b

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