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Super Tuesday’s Super Sample LSAT Logic Game

It’s primary season, and while President Obama isn’t facing any significant challenge in the Democratic primaries (unless you consider Vermin Supreme a significant challenge), the GOP has quite a battle going on. Today, on Super Tuesday, voters will cast their ballots in Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia. Will Romney maintain his lead in the delegate count, or will Santorum come surging from behind? Find out in this sample LSAT logic game. Results guaranteed. Or not.

(Also, if you’re waiting for a February LSAT score, it’s down to today or tomorrow. Good luck!)

In a primary election, four candidates, Gingrich, Paul, Romney and Santorum, finish ranked from first (best) to fourth (worst) in each of two states, Virginia and Tennessee. There are no ties. The following is known about the results:

Romney ranks better in Virginia than he does in Tennessee.

Romney does not rank fourth in either state.

Santorum ranks better than Gingrich in Virginia.

In each state, Romney ranks better than Paul or worse than Gingrich, but not both.

1. Which of the following could be the order in which the candidates rank in each state, from first to last?

(A) Virginia: Romney, Santorum, Paul, Gingrich; Tennessee: Romney, Paul, Santorum, Gingrich
(B) Virginia: Romney, Paul, Santorum, Gingrich; Tennessee: Paul, Gingrich, Romney, Santorum
(C) Virginia: Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, Paul; Tennessee: Santorum, Gingrich, Paul, Romney
(D) Virginia: Romney, Santorum, Paul, Gingrich; Tennessee: Santorum, Gingrich, Romney, Paul
(E) Virginia: Romney, Paul, Gingrich, Santorum; Tennessee: Santorum, Romney, Gingrich, Paul

2. In Virginia, each of the following could be true EXCEPT:

(A) Gingrich ranks fourth
(B) Paul ranks third
(C) Romney ranks third
(D) Paul ranks second
(E) Santorum ranks first

3. If Paul ranks worse than Romney in Tennessee, which of the following must be true?

(A) Santorum ranks second in Virginia
(B) Romney ranks first in Virginia
(C) Gingrich ranks better than Paul in Tennessee
(D) Paul ranks better than Gingrich in Tennessee
(E) Paul ranks better than Gingrich in Virginia

4. Which of the following could be true?

(A) Santorum ranks fourth in Tennessee
(B) Paul ranks first in Virginia
(C) Romney ranks first in Tennessee
(D) Santorum ranks first in both states
(E) Gingrich ranks second in Virginia

5. If Santorum ranks first in Virginia, which of the following must be true?

(A) Romney ranks third in Virginia
(B) Gingrich ranks third in Virginia
(C) Paul ranks fourth in Virginia
(D) Paul ranks second in Tennessee
(E) Santorum ranks fourth in Tennessee

6. If Santorum ranks better than Romney in Tennessee, which of the following could be true?

(A) Romney ranks second in Virginia
(B) Romney ranks third in Tennessee
(C) Santorum ranks third in Tennessee
(D) Santorum ranks third in Virginia
(E) Gingrich ranks second in Virginia

Answers: 1-B, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A, 5-E, 6-D