Reserve Your Spot to the Free Webinars We’re Hosting on Wednesday!

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPross-lsat-blog-webinar-feb
    Present you is thinking about applying to law school, and that’s creating a lot of work for future you. Present you gets to just day dream about using your law degree to help people or command a huge salary or both, while future you is left to do all the hard work.

    You know, like figure out what the LSAT is and how to study for it. Or, once the LSAT score is secured, how to ask for letters of recommendation, or what to put into a personal statement. That’s a lot of work for future you, enough to stress out present you and eventually make future you curse the name of present you (of course, future you will refer to present you as “past you” and to future you as “present you,” and if this all seems pointlessly confusing, well, we’d hate to break it to future you, but it’s nothing compared to confusion that the LSAT and law school admissions process can provoke).

    But present you can make a decision, right now, that will pay off huge for future you. This Wednesday, Blueprint LSAT is hosting two webinars that will tell future you everything he or she needs to know about the LSAT and law school admissions. These webinars are completely free, entirely informative, and will totally cut down the time future you will need to spend researching how to get into law school. And these webinars will also help out future bank account, since attendees to either webinar will receive a $300 discount on Blueprint LSAT’s classroom course or a $75 discount on the first month of an online course subscription.

    The first of these two webinars will be held at noon, Pacific Time, and will focus on the law school admissions game. It will be hosted by Blueprint instructor Kyle Gehrmann — who knows a thing or two about getting into law schools, as he attended the top-5 University of Chicago Law Schhol and has helped countless students get into law school since. Kyle will discuss when to begin the application process, how to tactfully request a letters of recommendation, what a personal statement should convey, and how admissions officers weigh your LSAT, GPA, and other factors when considering future you’s admissions. Present you can RSVP to that webinar right here.

    The second webinar will be at 6 pm Pacific and will focus on one very major hurdle to getting into law school — the Law School Admissions Test, colloquially known as the LSAT. That webinar will be hosted by Blueprint instructor Ross Rinehart, yours truly, who will tell future you everything he or she needs to know about what the LSAT tests, how it’s scored, when to start studying, and more. Future you will even get a little taste of the exam with a few real LSAT practice problems. RSVP to attend that one right here.

    So all present you has to do is RSVP to one (or both!) of these webinars, and future you will get all the information needed to tackle the LSAT, compose the best possible application, and get into the law school of both of your dreams. Plus, you’ll get that $300 discount on Blueprint’s classroom course and the $75 discount on the first month of an online subscription once you attend, so future you can study for the LSAT with the best available resources and instruction, at a discount. So reserve future you’s spot to the law school admissions or LSAT webinars today!

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