Next week: 20% off all Blueprint tutoring packages

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPbranden-lsat-blog-april-2016-tutoring-sale-2

    With the September LSAT on its way, have you been thinking that you could use some one-on-one help with the test? If you’d like some alone time with one of Blueprint’s brilliant and personable instructors, you’re in luck. Next week, we’re having a tutoring sale.

    You’ll get 20% off all tutoring packages from next Monday, July 31 at 9 AM PDT until 6:30 PM PDT Friday, August 4. All you’ll have to do to get that amazing discount is use the code SUMMER20 when you sign up. But don’t delay! Once the weekend rolls around there’ll be no more discounts.

    Whether you’re thinking of a few hours or an extensive tutoring package, use this week to check out the options. Tutoring is a great way to improve your score by really getting deep into how to think about the test. It’s just you and the tutor and your questions. Whatever you want to work on is fair game as long as it’s, uh, LSAT-related.

    So if you’ve been thinking of doing some tutoring, now is the time to think some more. The LSAT is getting closer by the day, and next week’s deal is just too good to pass up.

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