Do you find yourself going to each law school’s website, one at a time, to find out general information or statistics about every law school that you’re interested in? Do you still walk around with your pager clipped to your Capris? C’mon… it’s 2012.
LSAC now has an online, searchable law-school database that you ought to check out. You can now search law schools based on region, state, tuition, bar exam pass rate, percentage of students who receive scholarships, and many other criteria. If you are just interested in California schools, for instance, you can refine your search to include only California law schools. If you want to browse only law schools with annual tuition below $25,000, you can do that too. Heck, you can even browse law schools based on curriculum or student-to-teacher ratio. Going to each particular law school’s website to find out information and statistics is simply archaic.
One of the best parts of this online resource is that you can enter in your GPA and LSAT score to find out the probability of getting accepted by a particular law school. The estimations are typically in a range of 10%, so the site will not show that you have 60% chance of acceptance, for example, but rather it will show your probability of acceptance to be 55-65%. If you have no idea where you want to apply, you can enter your LSAT score and GPA to see a likelihood of acceptance at most law schools throughout the nation. You can arrange your likelihood of acceptance from low to high or high to low, and get a feel for the range of law schools that are within your reach.
It can also be fun (or terrifying) to pick a particular law school that you’re interested in and see how drastically your likelihood of acceptance can change just from a 1-point change in LSAT score. In many cases, just one point may increase your likelihood of acceptance by more than 10%. If you’re taking the October LSAT, this can be a great motivation tool to keep you working hard on your LSAT prep, as it illustrates the significance of every extra point. However, If you’ve already taken the LSAT and don’t plan on taking it again, you might want to avoid seeing the dramatic impact that 1 more measly point could have made- as this may result in a couple of extra therapy sessions with your shrink.
Whether you use it for estimating your likelihood of acceptance, finding out the percentage of female full-time faculty, or simply the application fee, the LSAC website provides a great resource for researching all your favorite law schools — and introducing you to some new ones.