Make the Most of Your Final Days Before the December LSAT

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPaaron-lsat-blog-make-most-final-days-before-december-lsat
    It’s December 3, your Thanksgiving food coma has barely worn off, and you’re staring at the December LSAT coming up this Saturday. It’s your last week of LSAT prep before the December LSAT, so it’s important that you make the most of it.

    By now, you should have finished covering all the kinds of questions you’ll see on the LSAT. Whether it’s your first time taking the real thing, or you’re an LSAT veteran, you should devote this week to timed practice: full LSAT practice tests and full timed sections. Of course, review them carefully. And if anything comes up that you need to review, do a little extra practice.

    But don’t overdo it. If you’re a sleep-deprived wreck on December LSAT test day, you’ll erase any benefit you might have gained from studying like crazy this week. Get adequate sleep, on a schedule that fits with when you’ll take the LSAT. Get some exercise. Eat right.

    Your last full LSAT practice test should be tomorrow or Thursday. If possible, do it in the morning at about the time you’ll take the real LSAT. Review this test, look for a few little pointers to take to the real thing, and then you’re done studying. Do not touch the LSAT on Friday. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off the LSAT. Plan activities to distract yourself. You can’t cram for the LSAT, so Friday is about getting your mental state right.

    Make a dry run by your LSAT test center some time this week. Where is it? How will you get there? Where will you park, if you’re driving? If possible, check out the rooms and visualize yourself rocking the LSAT in one of them. Stay on top of weather reports. You don’t want any bad surprises on Saturday morning.

    You should also get your materials together for the LSAT. We’ll have a blog post up about this on Thursday, but for now you can peruse LSAC’s list of what’s allowed and what’s not.

    This week is also when you get to make your final decision about whether to take the LSAT. You’re allowed to withdraw up until midnight EST Friday night. Withdrawing erases any record that you were ever registered for the December LSAT, but doesn’t get you any refund. Friday’s LSAT blog post will further discuss the decision whether to withdraw.

    And finally, good luck! This LSAT odyssey of yours is but a few days from being over.

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