Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Cornell Law just announced a pilot program — limited to just twenty acceptances — that will allow students to apply with the GRE or GMAT. Above the Law

    B. Why make a law school when you can take a law school? The University of Illinois, Chicago is acquiring the private law school John Marshall Law School. The News-Gazette

    C. A discussion of Bird law — no, not that bird law. Instead, it’s a discussion of the potential for police abuse of the helmet laws that govern the rent-by-iPhone electric scooters populating San Francisco, Los Angeles, and, in all likelihood, a city near you. Above the Law

    D. For some, bigger is not always better, so Vault ranked the best midsize and boutique law firms to work for. Vault

    E. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh apparently claimed he wanted to “put the final nail” in ruling that upholds the constitutionality independent counsel like Robert Mueller and, not to get all ad hominem, Kenneth Starr, under whom Kavanaugh worked. CNN

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