Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. SCOTUS just put on ice a Ninth Circuit Court decision that said that Trump’s travel ban — which remember, only applies to those without “bona fide” connections to U.S. citizens — couldn’t bar refugees with legitimate offers from resettlement agencies or sponsors. So now a bunch of refugees who thought they could come to U.S. now can’t all because no one knows what the hell “bona fide” means. Washington Post

    B. Hopefully the U.S. will at least be more generous to those affected in the Caribbean by Hurricane Irma, who are in “dire” need of resources. Miami Herald

    C. In the federal trial of the police officers who were involved in the death of Freddie Gray, the result is as sad as it is predictable. NY Times

    D. Edith Windsor, the plaintiff in the Supreme Court case that granted same-sex married couples federal rights and protections, passed away today. NY Times

    E. Meet the iPhone X, which is like the old iPhone but bigger and without a home button. CNET

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