Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. This is the basically the last possible moment to RSVP to the two webinars we’re hosting tomorrow, September 12th. So what are you waiting for? Do you hate reliable information on law school admissions, helpful guidance on the LSAT, or receiving $300 discount on an in-class Blueprint LSAT course and a $75 discount on the first month of an online subscription course? If so, we can’t help you. If not, sign up right here! Blueprint LSAT

    B. After the 9th Circuit Court loosened the restrictions of the so-called revised travel ban to admit refugees with an offer from a resettlement agency, Justice Kennedy said, “Not so fast people who need immediate humanitarian relief.” The rest of the Supreme Court is expected to address the issue soon. Reuters

    C. After two law professors wrote a dog whistle-y op-ed, law students are trying to bar these professors from teaching 1Ls. Above the Law

    D. Sort of proving the above students’ point, university officials at University of North Carolina voted and will now ban students from litigating civil rights cases as part of the legal clinics at the UNC law school. ABA Journal

    E. Being called the Fyre Festival of anything seems to be the big insult of 2017. A New York pizza festival has just earned that dubious honor. Grub Street

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