Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. The stats are in and the number of June LSAT test-takers went up 20% over last year. And, as anyone who’s currently trying to find a testing center can tell you, we’re likely to see a bump for the September test as well. National Law Journal

    B. Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer who promised dirt on the Hillary campaign keeps retroactively growing in size—new reports indicate that a Russian-American lobbyist and at least two others were also in attendance. CNN

    C. Remember the woman who was found guilty of disorderly conduct for laughing at Jeff Session’s assertion that he treats all Americans equally during his confirmation hearing? The D.C. Superior Court judge overseeing her sentencing just threw out her conviction and ordered a new trial. NPR

    D. In more court news, a federal judge in Hawaii ruled that grandparents and other close relatives of American citizens are exempt from Trump’s travel ban, a strike to how the Trump Administration defined “bona fide relationship.” NY Times

    E. A ruff day for DMX, who was arrested for tax fraud after allegedly concealing millions of dollars of income from the IRS. Apparently, X wasn’t gon’ to give it to ya, if “it” is his federal taxes and “ya” is the IRS. Party up this weekend, everybody, but stay out of trouble. The Hollywood Reporter

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