A. Might as well get this out of the way. Late last night, the Washington Post’s pair of Gregs, Miller and Jaffe, reported that President Trump revealed highly classified information about ISIS to Russian officials. This has since been confirmed by the NY Times, WSJ, Reuters, CNN, and those crazy kids at Buzzfeed. Washington Post
B. OK, now on to other stuff. Well … actually … you may be wondering how often presidents reveal classified information to ostensible foreign adversaries. Apparently it happens a fair amount, but usually in exchange for something valuable. Slate
C. All right, on to the next thing. Well, we would be remiss not to include national security adviser Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster’s attempts to clean up this mess. Mix Master McMaster clarified that Trump did not disclose the “sources or methods” used to obtain this classified info, because Trump was not told those things, obviously. NY Times
D. Now let’s get onto … but will this revelation affect other nations? It seems as though other nations are not stoked on this revelation. Buzzfeed
E. Finally, let’s move on. So … what else is on the docket today? I guess some Australians are fighting about avocado toast? NY Times