A. So, um, how do we put this? There’s a documentary about this dude who took pictures of a dolphin at a theme park. Normal so far, right? Well, turns out the guy and the dolphin had a “romantic” relationship. He swears the dolphin started it. Mic
B. 68-year old man applies to 11 law schools, gets into 10 of them, sues the one he didn’t get into for age discrimination. Why are you wasting your golden years on this??? ABA Journal
C. Hillary v. Bernie smackdown tonight on CNN! Don’t miss it. CNN
D. To celebrate Tax Day (hooray!) Sen. Elizabeth Warren is doing her best to put tax preparation services like Turbo Tax out of business. Vox
E. Aaaaand, here’s a $70,000 chunk of wale vomit. Seattle PI