If you’re registered to take the October LSAT, yesterday was the deadline to change your LSAT test date or LSAT test center. There’s no changing anything now; you’re signed up to take the LSAT on October 6, at whatever LSAT test center you chose when you signed up. This is not a dream. This is for real.
There are nonetheless a few ways you might not end up with an October LSAT score. If you end up deciding you’re not ready, you can withdraw your LSAT registration online up until midnight EDT on the night before LSAT test day. There’s no notation on your score report if you do this.
If you simply fail to show up for the LSAT, you’ll be marked absent, and law schools will see on your score report that you were absent for the October 2012 LSAT. If some last-minute emergency comes up and keeps you from showing up, don’t worry; it’s not a huge deal. But it’s better to withdraw, if possible, since you have all the way up until the night before to do it.
Once you take the LSAT, you have six calendar days to decide whether to cancel your LSAT score. If you cancel, neither you nor law schools will ever know what you scored on the October LSAT. Law schools will see that you took the LSAT and cancelled your score. One LSAT score cancellation isn’t a big deal, but it’s something to avoid doing repeatedly.
But if you’re reading this now, you’re not hoping to exercise any of the above options. Even if you’re considering withdrawing, that’s a decision better left for the week before the LSAT. You’re hoping to go in, take the LSAT, and end up with a killer LSAT score.
To that end, here’s what to do in these final weeks:
Review everything. Make sure the fundamentals of your LSAT technique are sound. You should know how you’re going to approach everything on the LSAT. If there’s anything on the LSAT you haven’t looked at yet, now’s the time.
Work on your pacing. See where your timing is and bring up your pace gradually, not all at once. From now until the October LSAT, do more and more full sections and tests. But don’t just take LSAT prep test after LSAT prep test and hope the LSAT score goes up each time. Review each section and test carefully to identify and work out your weaknesses. Figure out what you’ll do differently next time. If you find yourself consistently stumbling over anything, slow it back down. Work it out at a more relaxed pace before you speed it back up.
Try to stay sane. Of course, you’ll have to study hard in the weeks to come. Reward yourself with a couple days off. Eat well, get some exercise, and try to get adequate sleep. The latter is especially important in the week before the LSAT. No matter how much or well you’ve studied, a massive sleep debt doesn’t help your chances.