Is Private Tutoring Right For You?

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPlaura-lsat-blog-tutoring

    Are you studying for the LSAT? Have you already taken a class and want guidance to fine-tune your study schedule? Were you just Googling “any tricks to improve on the LSAT overnight?” If you feel exposed, don’t worry — many have been where you are! Much to your dismay, you may have realized there’s no “LSAT Crash Course” or magic tricks.

    There’s one key to the LSAT: figuring out a study plan that works for you! A study plan can vary from student to student. Some students can take a classroom course or live course and get on with the next step of their joyous career as an attorney. Some self-study. However, other students may want to improve even more. One of the best ways to customize your study schedule is by having guidance from someone who’s been through it and has the score to prove it: an LSAT tutor!

    Have you thought of adding a private LSAT tutor to your study regime? Not sure if this is right for you? Our Academic Managers can help with a free consultation, or you can keep reading.

    Getting a tutor is a big decision, here’s a list of scenarios in which an LSAT tutor may be the best option for you:

    1. You’re experiencing a “score plateau” and don’t know how to get out of it: Completing section after section without seeing an increase in your score can be super frustrating — we get it! Tutors have tons of experience with helping students get over that plateau. A tutor can make a noticeable impact for students who have already improved on their own but need guidance to take their score to the next level. So, if you’re experiencing a score plateau, you may want to consider a tutor.

    2. There are no prep classes in your area: Thankfully, we’ve got you covered if there are no live classroom courses in your area. If you’re looking for a prep course but don’t have any in your area, we have Live Course classes and Online Self-Paced classes. However, if neither of those options work for you, or if you were hoping for a more personalized study plan, a private tutor may be something to look into. No matter your situation–we’ve got you covered.

    3. You’re hoping to score above a 170: Initial preparation materials are very helpful for students to learn the foundations of the LSAT. If you’re hoping for a more elite score, there’s no better way to learn than 1-on-1 with someone who has done it themselves!

    If you’ve decided a tutor is right for you, here’s a checklist of what you can do before your first tutoring session together to get the most out of the experience!

    Pre-Tutoring Checklist

    1. Familiarize yourself with the format of the exam: Believe me, private tutors are LSAT nerds who would love to talk to you about the test all day long. However, in order to get the most out of your tutoring experience, it is probably in your best interest to be familiar with the various sections of the LSAT prior to starting tutoring. Good news: you’ve already started by reading the Most Strongly Supported blog!

    2. Take a diagnostic exam, at least: Having a baseline score is essential for LSAT preparation in general. How are you going to track your progress if you don’t have a starting place? The more preparation you have done prior to tutoring sessions, the better the sessions will go. Which brings me to my next point….

    3. Go into the tutoring session knowing the areas you’d like to improve: LSAT tutors are masters at the LSAT. We love to obsess about the nuances of the test! The more you know about the areas where you need to improve, the better we can help you. Here at Blueprint, if you have a particular section of the LSAT you’re particularly worried about, our Academic Success Managers may match you with a tutor who particularly loves that area of the test!

    The decision to work with a private tutor is a big one- – we hope this has been helpful for you to decide whether or not a tutor is right for where you’re at in your study process. In order to make sure that you’re getting the most out of tutoring sessions, make sure you’ve done your due diligence and determined how a tutor can help you. Remember, we are here for you through every step of your LSAT prep process! If you think tutoring is right for you, schedule a call with one of our Academic Managers — they’d be more than happy to match you with the perfect tutor for your learning style and goals!

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