How to Prep for LSAT-FLEX

Registered for LSAT-FLEX? LSAT Manager and Sr. Instructor Ross Rinehart explains all the nuances of the exam and how to best study for it.
  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPFlex-blog

    No one saw this coming. Next month, the LSAT will be administered remotely in the comfort of your own home. The new LSAT-Flex is only open to the March and April LSAT registrants and will only feature 3 sections! To help you prepare, LSAT Manager and Senior Instructor Ross Rinehart explains all the nuances of the LSAT-FLEX and how to best study for it in this special webinar.

    Are you signed up for LSAT-FLEX but need some help getting used to the unusual format? Enroll in the Blueprint LSAT-FLEX Crash Course, the only prep class designed specifically for this new exam. The class is taught by Ross Rinehart (naturally) and will whip you into shape before your May LSAT date.

    Watch the webinar below and download the slides here.

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