Holiday Logic Game

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPtodd-lsat-blog-christmastree

    Note: As of August 2024, the LSAT will no longer have a Logic Games Section. The June 2024 exam will be the final LSAT with Logic Games. Learn more about the change here.

    Reindeer Games

    It’s the Holiday season, and Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah to you and yours. Here at Blueprint, we thought we would mix something fun and warm (the holidays, presents, spending time with loved ones) with something a little more stressful and daunting (an LSAT drill that is hard as f***). Take your time on this one, but try to make those key deductions. Without further ado, here is a holiday-themed logic game to get you in the spirit of the season:

    This Friday, Shaquille Goldstein (that’s right), is cooking holiday treats for his friends and family. He cooks 7 treats, one per hour beginning at 1:00 PM; gingerbread, eggnog, latkes, pumpkin pie, yams, ham, and candy canes. (Shaquille is great at making candy canes). Each hour, Shaquille does exactly one of the following holiday activities: twirls a dreidel, stuffs a stocking, or wraps a gift. The following conditions apply:

    Shaquille will not perform the same holiday activity during two consecutive hours
    Before Shaquille stuffs any stockings, he must twirl the dreidel at least once
    Shaquille makes ham during the 5 o’clock hour
    Shaquille makes exactly one treat between cooking the gingerbread and cooking the candy canes, and Shaquille wraps a gift while cooking this particular treat.
    Shaquille makes candy canes before he makes eggnog, but after he makes pumpkin pie
    Shaquille does not twirl the dreidel while he makes latkes or pumpkin pie
    The number of stockings Shaquille stuffs is greater than the number of gifts he wraps
    The number of stockings Shaquille stuffs exceeds the amount of times he spins the dreidel

    1. How many gifts must be wrapped over the course of Shaquille’s cooking marathon?

    2. What is a complete and accurate list of holiday treats, any of whom could be the first to be cooked?

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy Kwanzaa to all. Answers are below.
    1. 2
    2. gingerbread, yams

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