Sorry, folks. This is going to hurt, but I have to say it:
In just a couple short weeks the December LSAT will be upon us.
And you know what that means. No more speculating about what fallacies the test might hold; no more imagining what obscure names will be incorporated into this round of logic games; no more high-stakes wagers over whether Frida Kahlo’s eyebrow or platypus sensory perception will feature more prominently in this administration’s Reading Comprehension passages.
C’est la vie.
For those of you who don’t (yet?) share my fond feelings about the LSAT, this blog post may find you down in the figurative (or literal) dumps, with weakening resolve and still weaker Diagramming skills. It’s pretty common to be absolutely repulsed by the thought of more LSAT studying at this point in the game. What to do in these treacherous times?
I’d recommend splashing some cold water on your face, looking yourself in the mirror, and imagining how much better you’d look in a Yale Law School sweatshirt. Very dapper. Try building yourself a rewards system (nothing says “props for studying!” quite like a cold Pliny), take a carefully planned day off, go for a run or a hopscotch or a swim. But ultimately, the only thing that’s going to make you better with just seventeen days to go is drilling and reviewing.
A good way to diagnose your status is to take an untimed test (not like a lackadaisical test, but do finish each section) and see how you’re doing. If you’re hitting your target score, then you’re ready to focus on cutting down your time. If you’re not, then you need to take it back to some fundamentals.
All jokes aside, the LSAT is a grind. Because this is a skills-based test, you have both the blessing and the curse of more or less controlling your score. Surprises are rare; positive surprises are preternatural. Success is a matter of studying until you’re hitting a few points above the score you need, eating a big breakfast, and executing just like you practiced.