Get Ready for the New LSAT Year by Signing Up for Tomorrow’s Webinars

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPross-lsat-blog-webinars-may

    With the unceremonious end to the NBA season and slightly-more-lively end to the NHL season this weekend — when all that is left is Major League Baseball, America’s least favorite pastime — we are hitting a patch of the year that many consider to be a low point for American sports.

    But these people forget that today also marks the beginning of a new year, a year that involves competition worthy of the most exhilarating sports matches. Today marks the beginning of the new LSAT year. With the June 2018 LSAT happening today, the Law School Admission Council is officially commencing the 2018-19 LSAT and law school admissions season. And competition will run high during this season, as thousands of law school hopefuls prepare for this exam, contest with the LSAT in test centers across the nation, and then vie for a limited number of seats at prestigious law schools across the nation.

    Yes, the beginning of the LSAT season is an unheralded but significant part of the American sports landscape. And if you are planning on entering the metaphorical gridiron of an LSAT test center this season — especially if you’re planning on taking the exam during the ultra-competitive September LSAT administration — then you could use some coaching. At the very least, you could use a little pep talk to get ready for the many hours of grueling studying and rigorous application material gathering that lie in front of you this season.

    Luckily for you, the wizened old coaches at Blueprint LSAT will offer such pep talks tomorrow. And, no, you don’t have to travel to some dingy locker room or practice field to get the advice you’ll need for the LSAT and law school admissions season. You can get this advice from the comfort of your home, or office, or library, or coffee shop, or wherever it is that you get your wi-fi. Tomorrow, June 12, we’re holding two free webinars on the law school admissions and the LSAT, that will tell you everything you need to know for the start of these seasons. What’s more, if you decide you’d like to be coached up a little more for the LSAT, all attendees to either webinar will receive $300 off any of Blueprint’s classroom courses and $50 off the first month of an online course subscription.

    The first webinar will cover every step of the ultra-competitive law school admissions process. Blueprint instructor and University of Chicago Law School alumnus Kyle Gehrmann will lead the Admissions Webinar, which will take place at 12 pm Pacific/3 pm Eastern. Kyle is no stranger to the admissions process. He successfully navigated the admissions process once — winding up at what some consider to be the best law school in the nation — and has provided assistance to countless students as well. And Kyle will share all the secrets to this admissions process during the hour-and-a-half webinar, and will even answer questions you have about your own applications. RSVP to the Admissions Webinar here!

    The second webinar will focus on the big game: the LSAT. Blueprint instructor Ross Rinehart will lead the LSAT Webinar, which will begin at 6 pm Pacific/9 pm Eastern. Ross has years of teaching the LSAT, and will take you through each part of the exam, cover how the LSAT factors into law school admissions, show you how to study for the test, and will even take you through several LSAT practice problems. And at the end, Ross will answer any questions you have about the LSAT. RSVP to the LSAT Webinar here!

    At either of these webinars, you’ll get the coaching you’ll need to make the most of this LSAT and admissions season. And remember, you’ll get discounts good for $300 off any of Blueprint’s classroom courses and $50 off the first month of an online course subscription by attending either. But you need to RSVP by tomorrow, so don’t delay!

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