From the Vault: You Got This

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPaaron-lsat-blog-sep-lsat-you-got-thi

    Tomorrow is the September LSAT EDIT: December LSAT. No amount of freaking out will change that, so it’s best to accept it. Here’s why you shouldn’t be too scared.

    You’ve come along way. Remember when you started studying? When it seemed like there were so many indicator words for necessary and sufficient conditions and you didn’t know how you’d ever get them all down? Those days are long gone.

    The skills you’ve developed since then are the skills you’ll bring into tomorrow’s test. You’re not going to change that today, so don’t try. Seriously, use today to relax and get your head straight. Studying today isn’t going to be productive; cramming for the LSAT works about as well as cramming for a marathon. So try to feel good about how far you’ve come and get your mind off the test.

    Tomorrow’s LSAT will be an LSAT. The things you’ve been practicing will be on the test. You know how to do it. There will be hard questions. There will be easy questions. They’ll all be the kinds of things you’ve seen before. Whether our predictions turn out to be right on the money or a little off, what you see tomorrow will be the same kind of stuff you’ve seen on practice tests.

    Even if there’s something a little weird tomorrow, there’ll be plenty that’s normal about it. The LSAT’s going to test the same reasoning skills no matter what. If something looks weird, maybe it’s a little weird, but know that it’ll still relate to the same skills and methods that the LSAT always tests. There’ll be a way to apply the skills you already have to anything that seems weird.

    By tomorrow night it’ll all be over. The test will be out of your hands and you’ll be waiting for a score. You can celebrate by doing whatever it is you like to do when you’re done with the LSAT. That part is completely up to you.

    Good luck from all of us at Blueprint. Check in at the blog for a recap of the test and be sure to let us know what you thought. You got this.

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