Don’t Forget to Secure Your Spot to Next Wednesday’s Webinars!

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPross-lsat-blog-webinars-july-3

    Friendly reminder, everyone, to sign up for and attend the webinars on the LSAT and law school admissions that we’re hosting next Wednesday, May 16. These webinars will go over all the details you need to know about the LSAT and the law school application process. We could drone on about why it’s so helpful to know about these details before you start studying for the LSAT or gathering your application materials, but we’d prefer to speak in a language that you, a youth, understand:


    Did we do that right? We can’t tell — we’re kind of old and washed over here. But, we’re experienced. Experienced in ushering countless students through the process of studying for the LSAT and through the process of applying to law school. So even if our meme game is wanting, you can trust that you’ll be getting the best advice during these webinars. Plus, these webinars are completely free. And — just in case you are old, like us, and don’t quite know what a webinar is — you don’t even have to leave your home to get this great information. Check out more information on these webinars, and RSVP to one or both them, right here.

    The first webinar is at noon Pacific/3 pm Eastern and will discuss everything you need to know about the LSAT. That webinar will be hosted by wizened Blueprint instructor and USC Law alum Ross Rinehart. Ross will discuss what’s on the LSAT, how it’s scored, and how law school admissions officer use your LSAT score to determine whether they’ll offer you an acceptance letter. You’ll even get a head start on studying for the exam, with a few practice Logical Reasoning and Logic Games questions. Post-webinar, you can ask Ross any questions you may have about the LSAT, law school admissions, or what is was like to collect pogs. RSVP to the LSAT Webinar right here.

    The second webinar is at 6 pm Pacific/9 pm Eastern and will take you through the law school admissions process. The host of that webinar will be sagacious Blueprint instructor and University of Chicago Law grad Kyle Gehrmann. That webinar will take you through each step of compiling your law school application, from letters of rec to personal statement to any supplemental materials you’ll need. After you get all this info, you’ll have the opportunity to ask Kyle any question you have about your applications, law school, or what it was like to be alive during the Reagan administration. You can RSVP to the Law School Admissions Webinar right here.

    And as your elders, it behooves us to give you a gift. If you attend either webinar, you’ll be given a discount codes good for $300 off Blueprint’s classroom course and $75 off the first month of a subscription to Blueprint’s online course. If you’re planning to prep for the September LSAT, the first classes we have for that exam are starting on May 20. So you’ll be able to sign up, at a discounted price, right before these classes start. So don’t forget to RSVP, get this great info, and secure your discount.

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