It’s the morning after the LSAT. As the hangover (whether from the LSAT or whatever you did after the LSAT) wears off, it’s time to reflect and look back on yesterday’s test.
By the reports I’m hearing, yesterday’s LSAT sounds pretty standard. There was some hard stuff, but nothing that made everyone scream in unison. And some LSATs have things that make everyone scream in unison. See this past June, for example.
It’s natural to wonder whether you should cancel your score. It’s normal to walk out of the LSAT test center feeling not so great. That’s because it’s a hard test, and it’s natural to remember the stuff that made you (figuratively) soil your pants.
But these days, law schools generally consider your best LSAT score. So if you literally soiled your pants, or you know you really, really messed something up (meaning you can recount how and where this happened), then maybe it makes sense to cancel. Otherwise, your LSAT score may be better than you think. It’s worth giving it a shot.
Since this LSAT didn’t have anything way out of the ordinary, you may be worried that the score conversion table, or “curve” will be tough. It’s hard to say what the curve will be, but it would be a mistake to consider only how weird things were. You could miss 14 questions and still get a 170 (the most lenient curve in recent memory) on the December 2011 and December 2013 LSATs, and neither of those tests had anything horribly weird. I’ll guess 13 wrong for a 170 on yesterday’s test, but we’ll see.
Once you know for sure that you’re not cancelling, all that’s left to do is wait for your score. Years from now, you won’t look back fondly at the time you spent refreshing your account page on LSAC’s website, and you’ll get an email with your score within a few minutes of when it appears online, anyway. So do your best to banish the LSAT from your mind. Work on your applications, if you’re applying this cycle. Go all out on the holidays. Distract yourself.
LSAC says they’ll release LSAT scores on January 5. If past history is any guide, you won’t have to wait that long. I’ll put my guess in for New Year’s Eve. You won’t have to wait to celebrate or drown your sorrows.
Chime in in the comments with how you’re feeling the day after, and happy holidays!