Blueprint LSAT Prep really needs to invest in a t-shirt gun. Not only would it make us look cool, but we’d be able to distribute more shirts to deserving recipients — like all of those who participated in last week’s caption contest right here on the LSAT blog.
Alas, we could only pick one commenter taking the October LSAT and one commenter taking the December LSAT to win a brand spankin’ new Blueprint LSAT Prep t-shirt. The competition among October LSAT test-takers was particularly tight, but here are the caption contest champs (along with the photo that they had to caption):
October LSAT winner:
December LSAT winner:
Congrats to Weston and JD, and thanks to everyone who participated!
Now, if you’re bummed that you lost (or missed out on submitting), good news. We’re launching a new contest today to give away a free copy of our new LSAT book, The Blueprint for LSAT Logic Games. And although we’re only giving away one LSAT book, the contest is open to anyone taking any LSAT.
Here’s the #scoop:
How to Enter to Win a Free Copy of Blueprint’s New LSAT Book:
Head over to Twitter (while there, give Blueprint LSAT Prep and Most Strongly Supported a follow) and write a tweet using the hashtag #ThingsIdRatherDoThanStudyForTheLSAT.
We’ll pick the best tweet (i.e. the funniest), and that person will win a free copy of The Blueprint for LSAT Logic Games. We’ll announce the winner next week here on the LSAT blog (and will use a screenshot of your tweet, so by entering you are allowing us to do so).
If you have any questions, post ’em in the comments.
Otherwise, see you in the Twittersphere.