So you’re taking the LSAT today. You have everything you need for today’s test all ready to go. Right? Maybe double-check that. Once you do, try to relax. Stressing about this afternoon doesn’t help anything. To that end, let the following images soothe you.
You need some puppies. If you can’t pet them in person, at least you can watch some.
So no one accuses us here at Blueprint of taking sides, here are some kittens.
And because why not, here are more kittens doing cute things. Please ignore the music, if you can even call it that.
Here’s a time lapse of a sunrise. Imagine the quiet.
And here’s a tropical beach to picture yourself on. This video is kind of long, but your success today is what matters. So I watched the whole thing to find the best part for you.
When you’re taking the test there will inevitably be a few questions that make you feel like this.
But many more questions will feel like this.
This is what you’re going to do to the test.
Before you know it you’ll be walking out of the LSAT and you might want one of these.
Let the thought of it motivate you as you walk in. And you know you’ll feel like this when you’re all done with the LSAT.
Later today you can go for Electric Relaxation or whatever kind of relaxation you prefer. For now, do your best to stay calm. The test is coming this afternoon whether you like it or not, and it’ll be over before you know it. Good luck!