Starting today, Blueprint’s fun and flexible online LSAT course, AKA Blueprint: The Movie 2.0, is available as a monthly subscription service. Think Netflix with vastly increased earning potential!
For $179 per month, plus a onetime $200 materials fee that covers the cost of books, shipping, and question licensing, students can use all the powerful tools of our best-in-the-nation online course for exactly the amount of time they need to score big on test day.
Why watch Frank and Claire take down the country when you can watch Trent and Matt take down the LSAT? And if you rock the LSAT, you can be Frank or Claire – or both! – when you grow up. (For those of you who don’t watch House of Cards, you’ve been treated to an insightful and hilarious HOC analogy. Go binge watch it. You’re welcome.)
It’s a whole lot of Blueprint for just a little bit of Greenback:
– Eighty-eight hours of animated video lessons
– Thousands of video homework explanations
– Three textbooks
– Fourteen practice exams
– Twenty-four hour email support
– The super-powerful Blueprint mobile app
All this comes with a satisfaction guarantee – inform us in writing within ten days and ship back your books, and we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.
If you’ve been thinking about studying for the LSAT but thought you just didn’t have the flexibility, you’re out of excuses.