It’s almost show time. You’re in the December LSAT’s green room. It may be a less exciting place than a real green room, but regardless, you’ve got to be ready to perform. Here’s what you should do this week. (Stay tuned to the blog tomorrow for a post about what you shouldn’t do this week. We’ve got you covered.)
Do a targeted review of the areas you still have trouble with.
The LSAT is a test of skills. You can’t cram for it. But you can and should brush up on your weaker areas a little, and do some targeted practice. This is especially true if you find that your accuracy has slipped in a particular area. Try to get it back. Review with an eye towards refining your approach to the questions, and try to solidify your understanding of exactly why the answers are right or wrong.
Memorize the few things that need memorization.
Again, the LSAT is a test of skills. Rote memorization won’t help you very much. But there are a few things you just gotta know. Conditional logic indicator words, for instance: you should know how to diagram each one. You should know the definitions of the various quantifiers (some, most, all), and the valid inferences that you can draw from each. And while it’s more important to know the recurring logical fallacies and patterns of reasoning in practice than in the abstract, it couldn’t hurt to give them a once over anyway.
Take a final tune-up practice test or two.
Does it make you sad that you won’t be taking practice tests after this week? This is your last chance to run through a full LSAT practice test, so take one or two. Review them carefully. If your approach to anything was shaky, go back and brush up. Try to understand each question thoroughly. If anything on the test was particularly hard, do it over. Also use these last two tests to refine your pacing plan for the real thing; for example, what would you like the clock to read when you finish the tenth question in a Logical Reasoning section?
Take care of yourself.
The hours you spend studying this week have diminishing returns. It’s just as important that you get yourself in good physical condition to take the LSAT. Get a halfway reasonable amount of sleep. Eat a well-balanced diet. Get some exercise. Also, get your body on LSAT time if it isn’t already. Start waking up at the hour you’ll have to wake up Saturday. This probably isn’t an issue if you have a normal job, but it’s important for all of you students with nothing but afternoon classes.
Assemble all your test-day stuff.
Pencils, admissions ticket… we’ll cover the complete list on Wednesday.
Finally, good luck! If you have any last-week questions, ask away in the comments.