You did it. The September LSAT is over.
Take a moment to celebrate that simple fact.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way… How did it go?
In the comments below, let us know your feelings about today’s LSAT. How difficult did you find it? Which section(s) tripped you up? Did anything crazy happen at your testing center? How awesome is that soccer coach GIF?
We want to hear your thoughts.
An important note: LSAC prohibits us from publishing any big specifics from any LSAT (this includes individual questions/answers, trying to identify the experimental section, etc.). So if your comment is removed, it most likely violated some kind of rule or was close enough that we didn’t want to risk it. Here’s a pretty good guide for what’s acceptable.
So far we’re hearing that RC was a little easier than people were expecting, with mixed reviews on one LG and a couple of LR. Agree? Disagree? We’ll keep you updated as we get more information. In the meantime, let’s get commenting!