Football season aside, there aren’t many Mondays worth getting excited about. Then of course there’s the June LSAT…
Thousands of law school hopefuls sat for the June LSAT today, and we’ve got some immediate reaction. Please chime in with your own thoughts in the comments, but be aware that all comments must be approved by a moderator. LSAC forbids any discussion on specific question content or anything too revealing about the June LSAT. So if your comment does not get approved, you probably broke a rule.
Now, about the June LSAT:
One of Blueprint LSAT Prep’s inside sources who took the June LSAT says that although he and some other LSAT test-takers tripped up on certain parts, it wasn’t a significantly difficult test — and it featured exactly 100 questions. His experimental section was Logical Reasoning, but he’s not sure which because they were of average difficulty. However, he did say there was at least one crux question. Logic Games got off to a smooth start, but there was a tricky fourth game that ate up some time.
Another source (as well as some chatter online) says the experimental Reading Comprehension section (for those who had it) was quite a doozy. Probably a lot of people happy that it won’t affect their June LSAT score.
But what say you? If you took the June LSAT, how are you feeling? Do you agree? Which was your hardest section? Let’s hear it in the comments.
Just remember: no talking about specific questions!