Logical Reasonings
A. Congrats to Elizabeth Kronk Warner, who became the first ever female dean at the University of Utah law school. The Salt Lake Tribune B. File this away for later: tips on saving on taxes when you’re married with student…
A. Congrats to Elizabeth Kronk Warner, who became the first ever female dean at the University of Utah law school. The Salt Lake Tribune B. File this away for later: tips on saving on taxes when you’re married with student…
A. File under: funny because it’s true. Above the Law B. A transgender student is suing San Diego law school Cal Western for alleged discrimination. NBC San Diego C. Judge Patricia Wald, a public interest lawyer and the first woman…
A. The U.S. News & World Report is asking the tough questions. Like, what is a good LSAT score? Spoiler: they tend to be the higher scores. U.S. News & World Report B. A helpful list of which LSATs the…
A. February may start on February 1st, but Webruary starts on January 31st. Because on that day, we’re hosting webinars on the LSAT and the law school admissions process. And in celebration of this totally made-up, day-long month, we’ll give…
A. Even if you can’t make it to the law school admissions webinar tonight, you can still RSVP to the LSAT webinar we’re hosting Saturday, November 18th at noon. So don’t miss out on getting the skinny on the LSAT…
A. In between tweeting about NFL protestors and Steph Curry this weekend, Trump issued an executive order making the travel ban permanent, more or less. Vox B. But back to the tweets, here’s an analysis of how the First Amendment…
A. So, you can actually take a law school class at University of Colorado that takes place in a raft on the Colorado River. No joke, bruh. 9News B. Russia? Fake news! Witch hunt! FAKE NEWS! FAAAAAAAKKKEEEE NEEEEWWWWSSSS! NBC (fake!)…
A. Law school is back, baby. #MAGA Above the Law B. Apple’s putting the legal hurt on Qualcomm, this time in another country. Lawyers of the world, unite! The Verge C. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has recused himself from the…
A. Allegations of liberal bias have been leveled at law schools just like they have at colleges and universities. Fair charge? The Washington Post B. Thinking of headin’ to Chapman University Fowler School of Law? Might want to get an…
A. Police allege that two former Harvard Law administrators pilfered money meant to help disabled students. Really, guys?? CBS Boston B. In a more uplifting Harvard Law story, the school has elected its first black woman president of the Law…