Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. February may start on February 1st, but Webruary starts on January 31st. Because on that day, we’re hosting webinars on the LSAT and the law school admissions process. And in celebration of this totally made-up, day-long month, we’ll give out a $300 discount on Blueprint’s classroom course and a $75 discount on the first month of an online course subscription if you attend one of the two webinars. So RSVP and reserve your space! Blueprint LSAT

    B. Grumpy cat, everyone’s favorite meme cat from 2012, was just awarded $710,001 in a lawsuit with a beverage company. Courthouse News

    C. Did the judge in the Larry Nassar case cross a line in her statement to the defendant? Probably. But the gif of her throwing away his letter to the court was pretty dope. Vox

    D. Barbri, the giant of the bar exam prep community (not Babar, the giant of the French society prep community, and definitely not Barbie, the giant of the body image disorder prep community), has agreed to make its materials more accessible to blind students as part of a settlement. ABA Journal

    E. In a rare pique of compassion, the White House just proposed a path to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants. Washington Post

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