By now, you should know all about Blueprint LSAT Prep’s video contest on Facebook. If you’ve read our LSAT blog at all over the past month, you may have seen a few promotional posts. If you paid real close attention, you know time is running out to enter our video contest. In fact, time is almost up.
If you want to win a free Blueprint LSAT Prep course, you have until 11 p.m. PST Wednesday (tomorrow) to submit your video. Heck, even if you don’t want to win a free Blueprint LSAT Prep course, you can enter and opt for the $300 cash prize option. Second place wins $400 off a Blueprint LSAT Prep course or a $100 cash prize, and third place wins a free Blueprint LSAT Prep t-shirt and keychain. Each video can be voted on until the submission deadline, but ultimately the most original video that follows the contest guidelines will win.
What are the guidelines? Glad you asked.
Your video should be in the format of a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) warning viewers of the “dangers” of self-studying for the LSAT. Think “This is your brain on drugs,” but substitute “self-studying for the LSAT” instead of “drugs.”
Here’s a link to view all the videos that have been submitted into “Shoot a PSA, Win a Free Blueprint LSAT Prep” so far. Watch them and see if you can come up with something more clever to win the free Blueprint LSAT Prep course. If you need any inspiration for a video, check out the samples in the previous LSAT blog posts (links above), or go to YouTube and search for PSAs.
And if you have any questions about the Blueprint LSAT Prep video contest, fire away in the comments.