See how Cram Fighter helps you stay on track as you work ahead in your study schedule.
One of the biggest benefits of Cram Fighter is that you can rebalance your schedule to get back on track when you fall behind. But did you know you can also rebalance your schedule when you work ahead?
For many students, the USMLE Step 1 dedicated study period is right around the corner, so you can use the time they have now to get a head start in your study schedule. Whatever exam you are studying for, whether you are getting a head start or working at faster pace than expected, a Cram Fighter study schedule can make sure your future study days have a consistent workload.
Why rebalance your schedule when you work ahead? Completing tasks from future days may lighten your workload a bit too much. Rebalancing your schedule ensures you use your newfound free time effectively. If you rebalance when you work ahead, you will see a more even distribution of daily tasks on future study days. To see this effect in action, follow these steps for working ahead.
1. Move tasks from future study days to today’s date. You can move tasks by clicking and dragging or by sending tasks to another day by clicking the calendar button.
2. Check off these tasks as you complete them.
3. Click “Edit” and then click “Rebalance your schedule.”
For more information, see our help article on Cram Fighter’s rebalance feature. If you want to try out Cram Fighter’s rebalance feature for yourself, start a 7 day free trial at