Fred Bertino, MD — our Medical Tutor and Admissions Consultant — recently tackled how to prepare for Step 2 CK during third year. Here’s what he had to say prior to the Q&A session:
“It’s a nebulous time, third year. You’re out of the classroom, but still expected to study as if you’re in one. Textbooks for every rotation pile up, and a brand new UWorld Qbank of Step 2 CK material seems to block the light at the end of the tunnel.
“How do you maintain that Step 1 study dedication stamina while living in a hospital for an entire year?
“This is the overarching topic we’ll be covering in our Facebook Live session today — and the long story short of it is, it’s certainly not an easy answer.
“We’ll discuss how and when to schedule study time apart from hospital time, reassessing reasonable study expectations when your day has been fractionated into clinical and home time, picking the right resources to ace your shelf exams and prepare you for Step 2 CK, and how to invent time out of thin-air to help you get in a few extra UWorld questions or a quick book chapter under your belt before or after your shift.
“Remember that studying for Step 2 CK begins on Day 1 of your third year of medical school – make every moment count. Join us for some insight into how it’s all possible in our Facebook Live Session: Clinical Thinking — Preparing the Mind for the Step 2 CK!”
Further resources:
How I Scored a 284 on the USMLE Step 2 CK
Flashback to First Aid: How and Why to Use First Aid for Step 1 When Preparing for Step 2 CK
Besting the USMLE Step 2 CK Beast: A Comprehensive Resource Review
The USMLE Step 2 CK Study Tool That Will Save Your (Test) Day