Blueprint LSAT Blog: Letters of Recommendation

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Tips for Law School Letter of Recommendations

The major components of your application packet will be your LSAT score, GPA and personal statement, but your letters of recommendation are an integral part that you cannot afford to overlook. In fact, we recommend starting the process of acquiring letters of recommendation for law school as soon as possible, as professors are notoriously slow

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How to Get Letters of Recommendation

When I was an undergrad, I went to office hours with my professors a maximum of one time per semester on average. I didn’t like speaking in class, and I never stayed after to ask questions at the end of class. As you might imagine, this made it somewhat difficult to find professors who would

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How Useful Are LSAC Evaluations?

Five years ago, LSAC rolled out an evaluation service. Evaluations are like letters of recommendations—those who know you judge your personal capabilities based on what they have seen of you—but in quantified form. There are questions within categories such as intellectual skill and task management, and, for each question, evaluators must select from the same

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Your Summer Homework: Letters of Recommendation

It’s summer. School’s out – well, not forever, but at least for a few months. If you’re applying to law school, that means it’s a good time to get around to asking for some letters of recommendation. See, professors are notoriously slow at getting these things turned around. If you were a professor and had

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Talking Law School Personal Statements and Letters of Rec

Last week, Hank attended a handful of events at the 2014 Pacific Coast Association of Pre-Law Advisors (PCAPLA) Conference and blogged about them. This is part 2 of 3. It might be a law school applicant’s market right now. But you still have to make a compelling case. That was the final message delivered by

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Before Your Break: Law School Letters of Recommendation

If you’re a student, you’re probably getting close to the end of a long end-of-semester checklist. However, Debbie Downer is here with some bad news for you: we have one more item that should be added to that list. Before you leave for the summer, you should consider which professors you’ll be asking for letters

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Help! I’m Still Waiting on a Letter of Recommendation!

Unfortunately, not many professors have a New Year’s resolution of getting through their backlog of law school letters of recommendation. So not only are they already holding up your application, but they’re unlikely to make a lot of headway… Without a gentle reminder. Waiting on law school letters of recommendation is, by far, the most

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Law School Letter of Recommendation Writers are Wingmen

You’re at a bar and you have three options: 1) Go up to that cute guy/girl and tell them exactly how awesome you are. 2) Cry into your appletini because you’re too shy to approach a stranger (and if this applies to you, I assume you drink appletinis). 3) Send over a friend to talk