Blueprint LSAT Blog: Legal Life

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Happy 5th of July!

I — as well as everyone else who doesn’t work for/with Satan — was reveling in the Independence Day spirit yesterday. Hence, no 4th of July blog post. However, now that it’s 5th of July and we’re back at school/work (meh), it’s time to contemplate the meaning of our proto-Brexit 240 years ago. Since this

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International Law: Brexit and You

America is obviously the greatest country in the world, but with all that Brexit stuff in the news recently, you may have had reason to take a break from all that hamburger-eating and eagle-wresting to find out what’s going on in the rest of the world. If all of those goings-on have piqued your interest

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Awww, Do I Have To: Donald Trump Edition

This past Friday, a Virginia delegate to next month’s GOP convention filed suit in a federal district court, arguing that he and other delegates bound by party rules to cast their first round ballots for one Donald J. Trump should be permitted to change their votes to someone (anyone!) else as their consciences dictate. The

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A Primer on Gun Law

Since last weekend’s horrifying massacre in Orlando, gun law has been in the news. Senator Christopher Murphy of Connecticut even led a 15-hour filibuster to seek new gun control measures. So we figured this would be a good time to look at gun law in our ongoing series on different areas of the law. There

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Can legal regulations prevent Judgment Day?

First, let me clear up the click bait headline. When I say “Judgment Day,” I’m talking about the idea, most prominently popularized in the Terminator movies, that machines will rise up and enslave or annihilate the human race. We’ll leave the Revelation stuff alone for now — and, as least as far as this blog

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How to Nail Down a Lawyer Job Before Loans Come Due

The ABA recently released statistics showing which law schools have the highest percentage of unemployed recent graduates. Now, ideally, you’ll score well on the LSAT and have more secure options available to you than any of those schools (I’m not trying to be dismissive of any of the listed institutions… but your odds of getting

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Election Law: How Can the Courts Protect Democracy?

In a democracy where the majority rules, how do you prevent that majority from violating and exploiting the minority? This is a central question for every democracy, and American history in particular has been filled with struggles to correct the majority’s oppressive tendencies—from slavery to black civil rights to transgender rights to police treatment of

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Prince’s Least Favorite Subject: Estate Planning

Continuing a year that has been unkind to music legends, Prince passed away a few weeks ago. As you probably have heard by now, it appears that the late artist did little or no estate planning before he died. Unfortunately, this could pose an array of legal issues going forward. This post is dedicated to