Blueprint LSAT Blog: Law School Advice

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Choosing a Law School: How Much Does Location Matter?

After you’ve combed through your stacks on stacks on stacks of acceptance letters, you’re on to one of the trickiest parts of the law school application process (after the Mauve Dinosaur game, of course): actually picking a school. Among the myriad factors you’ll want to consider is location, location, location. Are you hoping to move

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How to Spend Your Last Summer of Freedom

If you’ve completed the LSAT, applied to schools, and accepted an offer of admission, congratulations! This post is dedicated to answering a very common question from rising first-year law students—how should I spend my summer before beginning law school? My answer, in a nutshell, is: “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may die.”

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Is a 1L Law School Prep Class Worth It?

I’ll be heading off to law school in a few short months, and my mailbox certainly shows it. Over the last three months, I have received admissions responses from law schools (mostly acceptances, I am happy to report), followed by daily credit card offers, followed by a persistent bombardment of brochures from companies that would

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How Should Pre-Laws Spend Summer Vacation?

Summer’s just around the corner, which, for the prelaw, means that you have plenty of time to beef up your law school application. If you’re taking the LSAT, you’ll be spending some time studying for the LSAT, though not all your time studying for the LSAT (despite what you may have been led to believe,

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How to Decide Where to Apply

If you want a J.D. from an ABA-approved institution, there are 204 schools you can apply to. Most of us can’t apply to all 204. And why would you want to? That would be expensive and a huge waste of time. So how do you figure out which law schools to apply to? There are

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To Gap Year or Not To Gap Year?

I graduated from my undergrad in 2010. It took me four years to make my way to law school. I wrote about how I decided to go to law school before, but today I bring you my take on the gap year(s). Generally, I think it’s a great idea to take a year off. Once

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What Kind of Summer Job Can a 1L Get?

For most people, law school is about getting a job. If things go well, you’ll probably have some sort of offer for permanent employment in the fall after your first year. But before you get there, you’ll need to get a job for your first summer. For many, this will be a first look at

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Choosing a Law School After You’re Accepted

At this point in the year, as you’re practically blowing your nose and wiping your bum with an unmanageable mountain of law school acceptance letters (*fingers crossed*), you enter the hardest part of the application journey: deciding where to go. For most people, the primary factors to consider are — in precisely this order —