Blueprint LSAT Blog: Advice on Reading Comprehension

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How to Reading Comp

Many a jaded LSAT student has rolled his/her eyes and said, “I don’t need to study for the Reading Comprehension section – I already know how to read!” The fact that you are reading this blog post means you are probably correct about the second part of that statement. But the first part – no

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Reading Comprehension Studying

After a go at a Reading Comprehension passage or two, you’ve come to realize that Reading Comprehension might not be a total breeze just because you know how to read. But then you hit your next mental block, which is the belief that studying for RC is pointless. How can a few months of studying

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Tackling Comparative Reading Passages on the LSAT

Reading Comprehension is probably the most ignored section of the LSAT. People tend to think something like, “I’ve been reading since I was five. If I can’t get it by now, I’m just gonna have to live with it.” But, Reading Comp isn’t reading as usual, so putting in the practice does pay off. Reading

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Last-Minute Tips: Reading Comprehension

With less than three weeks until the June LSAT, it’s time to buckle down on studying. This week we’re offering one important last-minute tip for each LSAT section. Today, we talk about Reading Comprehension; stay tuned for Logic Games and Logical Reasoning! Reading Comprehension is the most familiar section on the LSAT. Everyone taking the

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Reading Comprehension: Focus on Structure or Content?

The Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT is all about…reading comprehension. With that tautology aside, many students find it difficult to strike the proper balance between reading for detail and reading for structure.  Striking this balance is essential for the kind of comprehension that the LSAT tests students on. This post is dedicated to helping

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Conquer LSAT Reading Comp This Columbus Day

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could just get along? If we could all bake cakes filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy? Unfortunately, that’s not always going to be the case — there will be disagreements. On the LSAT, this means antithesis passages in Reading Comprehension. An antithesis passage

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Let Tolkien Help You Desolate LSAT Reading Comprehension

“Don’t be hasty.” If you’re familiar with the sprawling fantasy epic that is J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, then you probably recognize those wise words from Treebeard the Ent. (You probably know that today is Tolkien Reading Day, as well.) What you may not as readily recognize is the applicability of this quotation,

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Tips to Make LSAT Reading Comp Not Feel Like Pulling Teeth

When given a choice between doing an LSAT Reading Comp section and getting a root canal, many LSAT-takers would opt for the dental work without hesitation. This notorious section can be dense, dull and difficult, and as the June LSAT approaches, you may find yourself frustrated because your Reading Comp scores refuse to budge. Fear