There are many ills facing society today. Sexism. Drug abuse. Dehydrated Senators.
Although these are clearly important issues, there is one particularly harmful societal danger that we’ve seen rear its head too many times: People trying to self-study for the LSAT. Who knows how many law school applications have been discarded because students tried prepping for the hardest test of their lives without any help. That’s why we’re giving away a free LSAT prep course to whomever can best warn others of the dangers of self-studying (as well as the benefits of using Blueprint) in the form of a 30-second public service announcement (PSA).
Starting next Wednesday, Feb. 20, and running until March 20, we’ll be hosting a video contest called “Shoot a PSA, Win a Free LSAT Prep Course” on our Facebook page in which you can upload a 30-second PSA that raises awareness on the dangers of self-studying for the LSAT. All approved submissions will be voted on until March 20, and then the best PSA will be picked by Blueprint principals for the grand prize of a free Blueprint LSAT Prep course. In addition, a second-place winner will be awarded a $400 voucher off a Blueprint LSAT Prep course, and third place will win a Blueprint LSAT Prep t-shirt and keychain.
The key to a good submission is creativity. If you can, make it funny (shouldn’t be too difficult). If you’re looking for ideas, here are a few examples of actual PSAs:
This is perhaps the most famous PSA in history.
Here’s one of the best examples from NBC’s The More You Know campaign.
The video contest will go live in a week, so you have seven days to come up with an idea. Voting will begin as soon as your video is approved, so it will be to your advantage to submit early. We’ll have more info next week when the contest launches, but if you have any questions, feel free to fire away in the comments.
If it weren’t for PSAs, the world would be a much dangerous place — especially getting into law school. Now’s your chance to make it safer.