Note: As of August 2024, the LSAT will no longer have a Logic Games Section. The June 2024 exam will be the final LSAT with Logic Games. Learn more about the change here.
What Are Logic Games?
The LSAT diagnostic test is more complex than you think. You may have already heard that the analytical reasoning section of the LSAT (Law School Admission Test), affectionately referred to as Logic Games, is changing by creating more challenging logical reasoning questions.
For years, students have had to figure out how to solve complicated logistical puzzles, such as how to get a group of children and their chaperones to a museum while making sure that certain children are kept separate while others remain together. Or, how to determine the order in which a car full of clowns is allowed to exit said car.
And make no mistake, the stakes were high. Who knows what might happen if little Johnny were to be paired with Ilana when it was clearly stated that they must be kept separate? Or, perish the thought, one of the clowns exited the car before their turn?
But despite those pressing concerns, there is even more pressure to solve these complex problems since this section of the LSAT exam is part of the overall score. And while students far and wide may have questioned why they were being asked to solve such real LSAT questions to assess how well they would perform in law school, LSAC maintains that the type of analytical reasoning necessary to do well on this section is an indicator of how well (and quickly) a student can analyze and organize a complex set of facts and apply them in various situations. And this is indeed something that students will need to do in law school and beyond.
Why Are Logic Games Changing?
So, if this section is so important and tests such necessary aptitudes, why is it changing? Well, it all stems from a lawsuit filed by Angelo Binno. Binno took the LSAT exam in 2017 and, as a legally blind test taker, complained that he could not complete this section of the exam due to his inability to draw the necessary diagrams. He requested that this section be waived from his exam as an accommodation, and LSAC denied the request.
He then filed suit against the Law School Admission Council and the American Bar Association, claiming that this violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act.
In October of 2019, the case was settled, and LSAC made the following announcement:
LSAC has begun research and development into alternative ways to assess analytical reasoning skills, as part of a broader review of all question types to determine how the fundamental skills for success in law school can be reliably assessed in ways that offer improved accessibility for all test takers. Consistent with the parties’ agreement, LSAC will complete this work within the next four years, which will enable all prospective law school students to take an exam administered by LSAC that does not have the current AR section but continues to assess analytical reasoning abilities.
What Does This Mean for You?
So here we are, summer of 2022. Even for those of us “non-mathy” types, we see that we are approaching the end of that four-year span for LSAT. The analytical reasoning section of the exam is going to change, and while no one knows exactly how or when, we do know that LSAC is working on it.
You may have heard that on the June 2022 exam, many students were given an experimental section like none ever seen before. This section was unscored, of course, and it was given at the end of the exam as the fourth and final section so as not to rattle test takers (which it did anyway, but at least not to the detriment of their score). This section contained some survey-type questions and asked students to explain how they would go about answering certain analytical reasoning questions instead of just asking them to answer them.
We might expect to see more experimental sections like this on upcoming exams as LSAC continues its work on reformulating this section. But at the end of the day, we don’t know what this new section will look like once it’s implemented, and we don’t know (yet) how to best prepare for it.
Why Take the LSAT in 2022?
Regardless of which exam date you’re going for, prudence might suggest, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” and we urge anyone considering taking the LSAT in the next year or so to do so sooner than later. Taking the LSAT 2022 exam, and probably through at least the beginning of 2023, is to your advantage whether you love the LSAT logic game section or not.
After all, we know a lot about these games, and we know how to help you solve them. We have access to every game that’s ever been published by LSAC, and, as a result, we’ve discerned their common structures and devised tried and true strategies to render them defenseless against the Blueprint practice test taker. For some, they may indeed be the devil, but at least it’s the one we know…for now. And you definitely need all the help you can get to reach a good LSAT score.
Start Your LSAT Prep
Need more LSAT tips? To get started with LSAT preparation, get the free LSAT practice test from Blueprint Prep and download our logic games ebook to begin practicing to ace that section while it’s still a key part of the LSAT!