What to Expect When LSAC Releases February LSAT Scores

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPalex-lsat-blog-february-lsat-scores-expectations
    A splendid Monday to those who took the February 2012 LSAT. It’s okay. No need to respond. Continue eating your sandwich. You may be interested to know that LSAC is scheduled to release LSAT scores this very week. You may also be interested to know that you’ll be receiving said LSAT score in one of a few ways.

    The first way you can receive your February LSAT score is snail mail, but only if you pay for it. Which couldn’t be less worth it. After all, you’re reading this blog post on the interwebz. This is a strong indication that you have a computer (or at least access thereto) and thus have an account on the LSAC website. If you have an LSAC account, keep an eye on your email, for that is the source from whence your LSAT score shall come (I couldn’t turn down an opportunity to use “whence”). Just in case, log into your LSAC account and make sure your email address is current.

    The third (and last) way? Assuming you have nothing more important to do, you can start feverishly hitting refresh on your browser once you’ve logged into your account. Or not. Your call.

    As you may have heard, one of the drawbacks to taking the February LSAT is that you don’t get to see your score sheet. Although if you ask me, I’d call it a blessing in disguise. It’s one less thing worry about. You can’t lament over the games section you think you messed up. There’s no use worrying about it since you’ll never know anyway. So forget about it and get on with trolling your Facebook news feed for the latest meme of the moment.

    Receiving your LSAT score also brings along with it the distinct possibility that you did not score as well you might have hoped. For those of you who are not waiting on a February 2012 LSAT score to complete your applications, this isn’t such a huge deal. Should you receive a less-than-awesome LSAT score, you can roll with it, retake the LSAT or just scrap the whole law school thing altogether.

    For those of you whose application completion depends on the February 2012 LSAT score, you can go through this application cycle and see how you fare. If you don’t get in where you want and you feel your LSAT score will improve a lot with more study, then by all means redouble your efforts and go through the law school application process again next year. However, if you put in all the work you could have and did not end up with the LSAT score you wanted, I suggest you bust your ass at whatever law school you choose to attend in the (admittedly faint) hope that you’ll be able to transfer to a higher-ranked law school following your 1L year.

    But it’s not all gloom and doom. Remember, there’s always that career as a super hero.

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