What Should You Do if You Didn’t Get the LSAT Score You Want?

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPjodi-lsat-blog-kfc

    June 2010 LSAT scores were released on Friday—“released” being a euphemism for invading the inbox of thousands of panic-stricken students feverishly hitting the gmail refresh button in two-second intervals.

    At this point, you’re experiencing one of three scenarios:
    1. You scored higher on the June LSAT than you thought
    2. You scored about what you thought
    3. You scored lower on the June LSAT than you thought

    If you’re a member of group 1, don’t say it out loud to any other June LSAT taker unless they, too, scored well. Though how would you know this, unless they or you volunteered the information, thus violating the rule not to say it out loud. Catch 22, people.

    If you’re in group 2, congratulations on achieving what you thought you would achieve. This is a fine place to be in life. Like having a baby with all its fingers and toes, you’re not excruciatingly happy about it, but the alternative isn’t’ great. So good for you for avoiding disaster.

    Group 3: this post if for you.

    First, my sympathies. I’m not going to sugar coat getting a lower LSAT score than you thought you’d get. It sucks, and that general suckitude should be respected.

    However, it’s also not the end of the world. Eating an entire tub-o-chicken worthy, but not the end of the world.

    If you scored lower on the June 2010 LSAT than you thought you should, the main question on your mind is probably whether or not you should take the LSAT again in October. If your score was lower than you had been scoring AND you know why AND you can correct that, then you should. Taking the October 2010 LSAT will still allow you to apply early in the law school application process. (That’s part of why June is such a good test administration).

    An example of a good candidate to take October would include a student, let’s call him Bob, who thought he was going to get a score of 164 on the LSAT, and whose practice tests were in the 161-167 range. However, on the June LSAT, he missed a game, (something he never typically does) and received a 159.

    Other situations where you should retake in October:

    1. You didn’t prepare as much as you should and can devote more time to prepping in the summer.
    2. After looking over the June test, you realize you fundamentally didn’t understand a key concept and feel that by prepping better (with a course after prepping on your own, for example) you can increase your LSAT score.
    3. Any act of God (sickness, four-hour wait before the test, etc.) that threw you off that won’t (barring another act of God) be a factor in the October test.

    Additionally, Matt has a video in our featured video section that goes into further detail about whether or not you should retake the test, for your viewing pleasure.

    So, for those of you who are happy with your score, congratulations! And for those of you who feel you can score better, wipe that chicken grease off your chin and change what you can to ensure a better outcome the next time around.

    Article by Jodi Teti of Blueprint LSAT Preparation

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