What Does My LSAT Score Mean: 165 – 172

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Today we at Most Strongly Supported are starting something special: a new series of blog posts. Please, hold your applause, we’re sure you’re just as excited as we are. In this series, we’re going to take a closer look into what different LSAT scores mean for you – the types of law schools (and law school scholarships) you might want to aim for, and how those factors can have an impact on your later job prospects and potential salary range. Take a fortifying sip of whatever you’re drinking (we won’t judge) and let’s jump in. 

    First up: 165-172. We’re starting at a pretty intense score range, but we know our Most Strongly Supported readers and you’re a pretty intense lot. Within this score range, you’re besting 93-99 percent of your peers – congrats in advance! So, what does that mean in practical terms? 

    Top-Tier Law School Admission

    Let’s start with the good news: Scoring in this range puts you in an excellent position to earn admission to a top-tier law school. In fact, this score range puts you within the median range at some of the top 14 law schools in the country.

    The following table represents the school with median LSAT scores in the 165-172 range for admitted full-time student populations at these schools as of Fall 2021/Spring 2022. The University of Chicago and Stanford University, both ranked as top 5 schools in 2023, are in sight for you if you’re near the top of this range, while several other top 20 schools are reachable if you’ve cracked the LSAT 170 score. However, there’s no need to stress. If you’re below that point, you still have quite a few options. Don’t forget, this list isn’t exclusive or exhaustive—for the most part, if it’s not here, it’s because a good LSAT score is below 165! There are only 3 programs that have median scores above this list: Yale, Columbia, and Harvard. 

    Schools with median acceptance scores between 165-172

    table, th, td {
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    University of Pennsylvania (Carey)
    University of Virginia
    University of Michigan — Ann Arbor
    Cornell University
    Northwestern University
    Georgetown University
    Wash U
    Boston U
    UT Austin
    Vanderbilt U
    UC Berkeley
    University of Southern California (Gould) 
    University of Notre Dame
    University of Florida
    George Washington University
    Brigham Young
    UC Irvine
    University of Minnesota
    University of Georgia
    Fordham University
    University of Alabama
    Boston College
    UC Davis

    Sources: U.S. Department of Education, U.S. News & World Report. 

    Higher Salary Potential

    But what about that sweet, sweet cash awaiting you at the far end of the law school rainbow? In addition to money, job security is a big issue — how do these scores and schools correlate to immediate employment at graduation? Let’s take a deep dive into some of the schools listed above:  

    School Employed Immediately Median Private Salary Median Public Salary
    University of Pennsylvania (Carey) 91.1% 190,000 60,000
    Georgetown University 83.1% 190,000 59,000
    UCLA 77.9% 190,000 60,000
    Wash U 79.3% 160,000 60,500
    Boston U 73.1% 190,000 61,250
    UT Austin 78.6% 190,000 62,000
    USC (Gould)  76.2% 190,000 58,120
    University of Notre Dame 72% 165,000 64,773
    University of Florida 76.2% 80,000 50,000
    George Washington University 71.2% 190,000 60,000
    University of Minnesota 72.4% 140,000 65,000
    ASU 70.5% 85,000 60,000
    University of Alabama 71.7% 115,000 57,376
    Boston College 68.7% 190,000 62,500

    Sources: U.S. Department of Education, U.S. News & World Report. 

    Note that if you’re planning to go into public sector work, higher LSAT scores and more prestigious schools start to make more of a difference in your prospects. There’s some variance, but employment right after graduation and salary (public and private) do trend with LSAT score and school. Keep in mind that $5,000 in public sector salary may not feel like much if you’re looking at private sector data, but a shift of income from $60,000 to $65,000  does make some difference in quality of life (or, let’s face it, could provide an extra $5,000 to put towards those student loans). 

    Scholarship Opportunities 

    Speaking of student loans: what about your LSAT score and scholarships? This data gets a lot more complex, as most scholarships (both those specific to a program and those not associated with a specific school) rely on several metrics outside of LSAT score. However, we do know that, even with competitive law school admissions, schools have reason to heavily incentivize high-scoring applicants to attend their programs, as it helps with their statistics and, therefore, their rankings.

    Additionally, schools that offer full rides often lean heavily on LSAT scores as a deciding factor in awarding those scholarships. With a score in the 165-172 range, you will be a competitive candidate for scholarships at many programs. However, you should expect that the most competitive individuals will have LSAT scores significantly higher than the admissions median for a given program. 

    So, if you’re in this range of scores, you should be feeling pretty good about yourself and your odds of admission to most programs. Your LSAT score isn’t quite high enough to forgive every type of gap you could have in your application, but it will help out if you’ve got a slightly less-than-shiny GPA weighing you down.

    Furthermore, a 165-172 will make you competitive at many top programs if combined with a good GPA, as well as put you in the running for some substantial scholarship dollars. After you graduate, you’ve got better odds at getting a job right out of the gate, and you’ve got some pretty decent salary potential to look forward to! 

    Not scoring in this range yet? Let us help! Blueprint LSAT Prep has the best LSAT prep courses tailored to your individual learning style. From a DIY Self-Paced Online LSAT Course to a Live LSAT Class and even private LSAT tutoring, we have the LSAT course designed to increase your LSAT score by 15 points, on average!

    Don’t want to commit to a prep course right now? Get access to a bunch of free LSAT resources when you create a Blueprint LSAT account.