This Week’s Best Pre-Law Links

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPgreg-lsat-blog-pre-law-school-links
    The internet is like the Grand Canyon: massive, awe-inspiring, occasionally shitty, and impossible to see the whole thing. To help out with that last one, I’ve collected some of my favorite pre-law related stories from the past couple weeks for your edification. Don’t say I never did anything for you.

    The Smartest People Are Opting Out of Law School
    There are two ways to look at this article. One is that all the smarties have realized that law school does not guarantee a six-figure income like we once thought, and have decided to pursue a more certain career path, like engineering or grave-digging. The other is that a good LSAT score is worth more now that it ever has been. If you want to be a lawyer and you can ace the test, you’ll have your pick of schools and scholarships, and will be able to set yourself up for better opportunities than you ever could have during the law school boom of the early aughts.

    Super Secret Application Instructions
    You’d think that as they struggle to fill their incoming classes, law schools would remove every possible barrier to enrollment – hell, some are getting rid of the LSAT altogether. And yet, Anna Ivey provides an example of a mid-level law school burying their application instructions deep on their website. The lesson? Do a little snooping and your application could look better than everyone else’s.

    The Cost of Applying to Law School
    While lots of people worry about the cost of attending law school, few plan out how much it costs just to apply. A little forethought will help keep you from going broke during the admissions process – after all, do you really need to consider that fourth safety school?

    How to Decide Where to Apply
    Hey, we made our own “Best Of” list! I’d like to thank the Academy…

    Now’s the time to start thinking about where you really want to go to law school, and there’s a lot to weigh. Starting with the four categories Blueprint instructor Andrew Kravis lists here will be very useful in narrowing down the 205 ABA-accredited law schools to your personal application list.

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