Things to Do the Day Before the February LSAT (Except Study)

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPalex-lsat-blog-day-before-february-lsat-except-study
    Happy February LSAT eve, everyone.

    For those in the Northeast affected by Nemo, check out this blog post for details about any February LSAT cancellations. We’ll be updating it throughout the day with the latest info from LSAC. If you are among those affected, hunker down with a bowl of soup and do some LSAT questions to stay fresh. If you are not among those affected, please, continue reading for some handy advice regarding recommended activities for the day before the February LSAT.

    Today should be a mental day of rest. The only LSAT-related thing you ought to do today is make sure you’re logistically ready to go tomorrow. Make sure you have the route to your LSAT test center mapped out. Make sure you know where you’re going to park. Make sure you know what you’re doing for breakfast. Make sure your Ziploc bag is packed with the necessary LSAC-approved LSAT test day items. So on and so forth, etc., etc., ad infinitum. In other words, eliminate as many surprises as possible.

    Now that we’ve covered what you should do, it’s time to make our way through those things that you shouldn’t do. You should not do any LSAT questions. None. Zero. Zilch. You will not learn anything today that you didn’t already know. If your technique isn’t sound the day before the LSAT, then stressing yourself out about it and wearing yourself down isn’t going to change anything on the actual LSAT test day. You need mental rest, not mental fatigue.

    How does one go about getting such rest? Going to see a movie is always a nice choice. You could, weather permitting, round up some friends for a game of bocce ball. You could get some exercise. You could cook (always works for me). You could catch up on Breaking Bad. You could meditate on how well you’re going to do tomorrow (visualization can work wonder for some). You could stop reading this LSAT blog post, go outside and enjoy whatever it is you choose to do because sitting in front of your computer (or smartphone) sure isn’t doing you any good. See what I did there?

    Best of luck on the February LSAT tomorrow!

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