Hot off this presses: the Law School Admissions Council just announced that starting in mid-2018, there will be two additional LSAT exams administered each year. That’s right: instead of four LSATs sprinkled sparingly throughout the year, there is now a generous serving of six LSATs for test takers to feast on.
Following the February and June 2018 exams, there are going to be exams in early September, in mid-November, in late January, and in late March, and then again in early June 2019. Check out the schedule below:
LSAC gave us a hint about this seismic shift a few weeks ago when it announced that it would lift the limit on the number of times people could take the exam in a two-year period. This all seems to be part of an effort by LSAC to make the LSAT more accessible to students. Today’s announcement also bragged about the pilot testing of a digital LSAT that could, theoretically, be administered year-round.
For now, this six-exams-per-year schedge is the change that affects new test takers. This will actually make it much easier for current students to plan when they’ll take the LSAT. Before, there was a February test that wasn’t much help for applying for the following academic year, a December test that was really close to most students’ winter finals, and just one summer exam that would be very impacted. Moving the February exam to January might help dilatory students apply for the following academic year. Having a March exam will be useful for students who don’t want to take the June exam around finals or graduation. And having both a September and November exam might alleviate the crowding that typically affects the September exam.
Now, we at MostStronglySupported are very humble people, and we wouldn’t take credit for this change. But this new schedule is very close to the schedule we proposed to Kellye Y. Testy, the new CEO of LSAC, a few weeks ago. We’re just saying …