The Stress Test: Managing Your LSAT-Induced Anxiety

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPaaron-lsat-blog-lsat-stress

    Law school can be stressful. That’s not a surprise. The LSAT is a high-stakes test you need to take to get into law school, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that LSAT prep can be stressful, too. A little bit of stress is normal. But too much stress is really bad, dangerous even. Let’s talk about keeping perspective as you study for the LSAT.

    On a day-to-day level, while it’s important that you spend lots of time studying for the LSAT, it’s also important that you give yourself some time off. Strive to take at least one day off from the LSAT every two weeks or so. Plan it out. If a day without studying means that you’ll sit around worrying about the LSAT, that isn’t helpful. Take those days off and do things you enjoy, things that you know will get your mind far away from the LSAT.

    Through all your studying, keep in mind that while the LSAT is an important factor in your ability to get into law school, it really doesn’t mean anything else. It isn’t a measure of your worth. You also can take the LSAT a second time, so in the big picture there’s never too much riding on any particular LSAT administration.

    Managing stress well on the LSAT will help you prepare for the stress of law school, too. The rate of mental health issues and even suicide among law students and lawyers is high. Too high. If it ever gets to be too much, you’re not alone. Talk to someone. A professional. A friend. There’s nothing to gain from keeping it to yourself.

    So as you get started studying for the June LSAT, let that impending deadline motivate you. But remember that there’s nothing critical about June. Your mental and physical health is much more important than getting your application in as early as possible.

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