It’s time to lay down some LSAT law.
What do I mean by LSAT law? If you’re currently studying for the LSAT (or considering doing so and wondering why the hell you have to take it to get into law school) you may be thinking to yourself, LSAT. Law school. Where’s the connection?”
Well, the obvious LSAT/law school connection is admissions. Assuming you don’t have too spotty a record (noise violations in the dorms notwithstanding) a good LSAT score should pretty much allow you to handpick a school to attend.
That should be all the incentive you need to study hard, but here’s a practical LSAT/law school connection you might not have thought of: Effective argumentation. During your first year, you will no doubt be asked to construct a persuasive memorandum. Whichever side you happen to be on, your goal is to argue it effectively. The LSAT will teach you this skill. While studying for the LSAT, you learn what premises are and how a conclusion can logically follow.
You’ll also learn all the ways you can screw up an argument. The “judge” you’ll be writing your memo to will be well trained in the art bullshit-spotting. Faulty assumption underlying your argument? She’ll catch it. Calling people names? Sorry, sport, back to the drawing board. Missing a necessary element of a legal doctrine? You’re toast.
Good legal writing requires attention to detail and sound argumentation. Studying for the LSAT will teach you these skills. It will also get you a good score.
So that’s the LSAT law: Study hard. Learn to argue. Get a good score. Get into a good law school (and already be semi-prepared upon arrival).
Until next time, I leave you with one of the funniest videos my Torts professor ever showed me.